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        I finished writing in my notebook, tucked it into the drawer, and turned off the light. I hadn't written much, just a few immediate thoughts, but I never wanted to forget how good this felt. And if I woke up tomorrow and none of this was real, at least I'd have a record of it.

      I glanced at the door, which I'd left half-open as a sort of half-invitation. Because even though I'd have loved to sleep next to him—actually what I really wanted to do was stay up talking and kissing and touching each other all night, something I'd never done or even wanted before—going back into his bed seemed way too presumptive of me. If he wanted me there, he could come find me, but if he didn't, that was okay, too. I understood that there were lines he did not want to cross. Not yet, anyway.

      After a few minutes of silence, I knew he'd gone to bed, and I settled in beneath the covers. In the darkness, I didn't even have to close my eyes to picture my favorite moments from tonight. His eyes looking up at me with my cock in his mouth. The way he moved inside me, slowly at first, and then with all the heated passion of a summer storm. His voice, deep and soft. I'd be lying if I said I could walk away from this.

      It had easily been the hottest blowjob I'd ever had, the best sex I'd ever had, and I'd never forget the way David looked as he got lost inside me. He'd surrendered to it so completely, so passionately. But it was his words I loved best. Or maybe it was his honesty. His willingness to take a chance on me. He'd come a long way in a few days.

      Neither of us knew where we might end up, but this was Korea. Anything was possible, right?

      Smiling, I turned onto my stomach and stretched out. I hadn't been looking for this. But I was damn happy I'd found it.


      The next morning, I showered, dressed, and came downstairs to a surprise—David was at the breakfast table, drinking coffee and looking at his laptop. His hair was a little damp, and he was dressed in jeans and a casual shirt. His feet were bare. I might have imagined it, but to me he looked much more relaxed than he had in the last three days. No furrowed brow, no tight lips, no tension in his neck.

        "Good morning," I said, unable to keep a grin off my face. "I thought you'd be at work."

      He set down his coffee cup. "I didn't have anything major scheduled, so I shuffled a few minor things to be able to take the day off. I haven't done that in forever."

      "What will you do with your day off?"

      "I have some errands to run, but I also wondered if you wanted to do some shopping. I actually picked up a few things for you on Sunday, but I'm not sure if they'll fit or if you'll even want them." He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I meant to leave them in your room for you yesterday, but it was sort of a hectic day, and I forgot."

      "You bought clothing for me on Sunday?" I don't know why I was so surprised—it was exactly like David to do something so nice. "You didn't have to do that."

     He waved a hand in the air, dismissing it. "They might not even fit. And it's only one pair of pants and two shirts. You'll need more than that."

      I nodded. "Shopping today would be great. I just have to be back at three-thirty for Sowon to pick me up."

      "I can drop you off at work when we're done. Coffee's still hot if you want some."

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