
04******** caller: unknown

Accept? Decline?


"Hello?" I accepted the call without hesitation, which was a big flaw of mine.

Other line: ..........

"Who is this?" my voiced was filled with curiosity as I get no answer from the other line

Other line: hhaaah... ah.. mm

The person on the other line abruptly ended the call, leaving me in a perplexed state. However, instead of dwelling on it, I knew I had other things to worry about. For now, I wanted to look at the picture I had just taken, and that's precisely what I did. Slowly, I went through my gallery to find that one picture. When I finally located it, I smiled faintly as I reminisced about the lights in the photo. My eyes widened as I noticed something lagging behind me in the picture. I brought the phone closer to my face to get a better look. There was no doubt about it – behind me was a shadow of a young man with piercing red eyes, staring straight at me.

Could this be the man that keeps following me?

Scared shitless, I opened the window to breathe in some fresh air and cool this room, which seemed to be getting hotter. Instead of the peace I so longed for, I was met with familiar red eyes lingering from the building in front of mine, their gaze not leaving me for a second, as if hungry; their eyes themselves could almost devour me while they hid perfectly in the shadows. My grip on my phone grew tighter, and I stepped away from my window. My ocean blue eyes didn't leave them for a second as I made my way out of my shabby apartment. I opened my messages on my phone as I quickly made my way out of the apartment complex, trying to contact anyone who could help me, literally anyone. Until suddenly...


I receive an anonymous message from someone, which in turn made me have hope again... not knowing it would be easily destroyed just moments later

"I see you 😊"

My eyes, still glued to my phone, grew wider as my heart started quickening its pace. Jolting my head up, flipping left and right

"Please... look at me like that more... its lovely <3"

The night was dark, its dim light falling on me ever slightly, making it so much harder to find any hint of a silhouette, which my eyes couldn't capture no matter how much my eyes darted around the area to find anyone around me. My eyes danced around the distant fields aswell as the roads around me as I gritted my teeth in anger. I hated the fact no matter how hard I tried; this man always seemed to be only a few steps behind me. The gritting of my teeth made my gums bleed from the sides, but my attention wasn't on me, no, it was at the rustling bush that couldn't contain its abnormal movements. finally having enough of his shit, I pointed my middle finger at the direction of the noise


"Fuck you? Oh honey, I plan to," his text immediately sent shivers down my spine. It felt as if I were being stripped of my safety and privacy, which were no longer part of my life. Every hair stood on end as I stood outside my run-down apartment. I held my chest as my body shrank, deciding to go to a place with a bigger crowd. I knew I had to be cautious, looking around with my body on high alert as I moved away from the apartment. Just as I did, my nervous eyes never left the view behind me, afraid that the man would finally reveal himself."


"What the actu- CHARLOTTE? W-What are you doing here?" My eyes fluttered at the sudden sound of a man's familiar voice. Still trying to recover from the impact of bumping into his ripped 6'0 frame, I didn't immediately look back at him. Still feeling dizzy, I looked up at the stranger, who turned out to be the last person I ever wanted to collide with again. "K-Kaiser? I didn't think I would see you... ever in my life again

Who would've thought I'd see my ex right after being stalked by a man

Charlotte, this must be fate... I've been thinking about us recently, and I miss it," Kaiser's eyes were soft, looking down at me with an almost loving expression, which was the last thing I expected from him after the way he treated me. He now felt like a stranger, someone who was long gone from my life. "Kaiser, you have some nerve saying that to me after how you broke up with me. I really don't want to hear it." Kaiser, a tall man with a broad build and shoulders but slightly shorter in height at 6'0, loomed over me as I confronted him. The air grew heavy as he inched closer. My eyes couldn't help but fixate on his black hair with dirty blonde ends, which were as radiant as ever, accentuating his beautiful grey-colored eyes. I found myself salivating just by staring at him, and I couldn't deny the truth: he was absolutely hot. But I knew I couldn't fall into this man's arms again, not after he humiliated me in front of the whole school by breaking up with me during his speech to become the captain. Kaiser's grey eyes never left me while I was deep in thought. He played with his wavy hair, which touched his dark eyebrows. His pleading eyes really did something to me, but then his nervous face turned into an impatient one.

"FUCK IT" Kaiser exclaimed, forcefully grabbing my hand and gently intertwining it with his own large, rough hand as he led me to a more isolated place, ignoring my pleas to explain what on earth was going on. His large, muscular body had no trouble in dragging me around and taking me to what appeared to be an isolated alleyway. This place, along with Kaiser's sudden actions, made my hair stand on end. 

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