Speechless, Norman glared at his younger brother, who was paler than lamb fleece. "Tamiran, you better explain yourself! Did you pull this off so you could seize mine and Lady Emille's hard-earned wealth and the Late Lady Amanda's prized Austrian grounds? Fess up, now!"

Suddenly, Tamiran looked like a madman on a rampage. "Fine! I did it for POWER and MONEY!! And I DON'T regret it one speck." He fumed angrily. "This was YOUR fault to begin with, Norman!"

"My fault?"

"Yes! You were always the mediocre one! First, you stole Mother and Margaret's love. Next, you stole Rosalind from me, and finally..." Angrily, he diverted his attention to his 'Wife'. "You, Samara." Burning, he counted. "You made the GREATEST misstep EVER!! How could you desire my BROTHER over ME?"

"Yes, Mara! How could you desire Norman over Tamikins?" Scowling at her elder sister, Tamara curled her arm around Tamiran's. "He's ROYALTY!!!"

Samara had enough of this. Her sister resigned a gentleman who tended and treasured her for a man who couldn't even MANAGE his funds. It was authentic that Tamiran was her lover, but she valued Norman directly before this drama ensued.


Before anyone could react, Norman slapped Tamiran HARD in the face, hard enough that he left a severe scar on his jawline. The slap was so rackety, that it could heard throughout the entire church.

"Everything you and Tamara just claimed, Tamiran, can NOT be any FURTHER from the truth!" Coldly, Norman glowered at them. "First off, Tamiran, you proclaimed I stole our Mother and sister's love from you. But! Did you assume I merely enjoyed our Father IGNORING me while showering YOU with AFFECTION??!! Do you consider that adequate?!"

"No, I don't..."

"Hmm! Second, I NEVER stole Rosalind from you! She MUTUALLY picked me as her future husband." Firming his glare, he added. "She even remarked that you WEREN'T her class. Expressing you're too CHILDISH and RECKLESS when it came to MONEY!!"

Observing his brother shrink, tides of anger soaked Norman's veins. His brother irritated him his entire childhood. Guilt-tripping their Father into wrongfully disowning him and ceasing him from the line of succession without his Mother's knowledge was the LIMIT.

Safe to say, he was vexed. "But I swear to Zeus, if you DARE state Royalty in such a manner OR attempt to harm Samara again, I will have your sorry asses ARRESTED!!!"

"But Normie! You love me~" Tamara risked coaxing her ex-husband to drop this subject, miserably failing to endeavour and guilt-trip him into letting them go.

It didn't terminate well.

"Call me 'Normie' once more and see what happens!" Norman pounced.

"You know..." Speaking up, Samara seized his hand. "All the warranty the ladies amassed and the scene we've witnessed today, I assume that charges you BOTH!!"

"Charges us? Charges us with WHAT?!?!" Tamara asked.

"Hmm, let's see..." Samara's smug smile displayed her thinking. "Well, there's treason, endeavoured robbery of funds and grounds, incest and implementing adultery while the male was STILL MARRIED?!?!" She glowered down at her sister. "You establish which's suitable for you."

Wordless, Tamara gradually crawled to her sister, grovelling at the hems of her golden dress. Cue the waterworks.

"Samara, my sister, I beseech you! Please drop the charges and act like this NEVER ensued! PLEASE, Samara! I beg of you! Have MERCY on your sister!"

The Belle of Birmingham (The Tudors x Shera)Where stories live. Discover now