desiree was shortly apart of the lifestyle sonjae was in but sonjae was definitely a pro. look at desiree she fucked one dude and hasn't gotten off him since. crazy how six months ago she was trying to figure herself out.

"I meant to ask did you guys ever finish what yall called your investigation?" desiree asked. she always wanted to know how far they came even though she remembered everything now she still wanted to understand if they found out anything that might not have came back to her.

"yea we spoke to your uncle and found out the allis you where called while there. we found all your paperwork and notes that where taken on you." sonjae said which kenori nodded too.

"yeah we found out that the treatment plan you where under was a age one that ended once you became of age. you where to undergo a psychosis treatment everyday and mental blocking whip sessions in order to shape you into the shell of a person you where when you got out." kenori finished.

"yeah we didn't bring it up after we found out everything because we felt like we should just leave it alone. your stutter was just a side effect of your treatment and we read it would go away within six to 12 months after leaving the facility." sonjae finished.

desiree just nodded not really knowing what to say. she did respect them for dropping it though since they found what they where looking for. a lot of people would have kept snooping but they dropped it.

"well I gotta head out I have to create some content today and catch lunch with the twins so ima see yall." she smiled.

she hugged and kissed them both before leaving the apartment.


"hey moomies its ya girl des three times an i'm back with another video. this is really just an intro video since it's my first. I don't know why I said welcome back but yeah it just felt right." she smiled into the camera.

"I asked my instagram to ask me some questions for my youtube and they did. I just started using instagram so I don't have many followers but if you wanna tap in i'll link it in the bio." she said pulling out the second phone that nylon bought her to look at the questions she got.

"okay so first one is how old am I? I am currently 18 years old. Next, what job do I plan to get in the future, uhm I plan to make money off being pretty hello. Next, what's my favorite thing to do? ride my man dick, CLOCK IT. next, when do I wanna have kids? baby I am I kid CLOCK IT. next, who is my bestfriends I got too many. next, who do I see myself with in the next ten years. my trick CLOCK IT. okay I think that's enough questions for today ima post this and see what it's giving bye yall." she laughed turning the camera off.

"I might have been a lil too much just now." she laughed to herself. she grabbed her cord connecting it to her ipad and camera. she easily transferred the data and waited for the progress loading screen. once it began she placed it on her dresser and left the room.

"no ma I told you i'm not coming over tonight." meer said over the phone. nari huffed rolling her eyes at him, "your supposed to be my meer meer why aren't you coming over tonight, I have the house all aloneeee you gonna make me sleep by myself." she sweetly said looking at him.

he bit his lip as he looked down at the camera, "I'a work sum out." he said making her smile, "that's my baby I love you, call me when you on the way." she cheesed.

"I love you too." he said then hung up, "y'all are too cute." desiree poked out her lip.

"ian going to see her ass tonight ima sleep right in my bed." he said waving her off, he lied because he was lowkey mad at her. when she went to work the other day she was flirting with a guy while on the phone with him, she claims it was just her personality but something felt off about it.

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