Gringotts (edited)

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AN: edited 2/5/2024 just some minor error fixes


"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

Chapter 4: Gringotts


Third PoV:

After Harry return to his normal looks he realease the notice me not charm and head out of the alley unnoticed by all as they are all busy. Harry walks up the stairs to Gringotts and stop infront of the guards and bows to them as a sign of respect. However, Harry though Harry is showing respect bowing to the goblins he make sures he doesn't bow low enough to leave the back his neck vulnerable for them to easily to decapitate his head. Harry stays bowing not rising until the goblins bows back to him as it would be considered disrespectful. The goblins look shock to see a wizard being so respectful to them even giving them a proper bow. The goblins face stay stoic the only sign of their shock was the slight surpise shown in there eyes. The goblins bow back to Harry showing there acknowledgment. Harry stands up looks to the goblin guards with smile not one of cockiness but of respect and joy. Harry felt great joy that the goblins had bowed back accepting his greeting he knows from what he observed back in his first year when he came to Gringotts with Hagrid not all wizards were kind or respectful to goblins. He also could tell from seeing through Voldemort's memories that wizards and goblins do not get along well wizards treat goblins just as bad if not only slightly better then they do werewolfs or half giants in Hagrids case. The only reason for that is because of the treaty they have and because the goblins can accentually kick wizards asses with ease. Harry didn't like that from what he understands goblins should get way more respect then they do now. 

Harry was planning to make changes to the wizarding world. At least with his fame he has he hopes that he can make changes to bring the wizarding world into a new era where the bigots was will be gone. He agreed with some of the ideas Voldemort had preach even though he lied about it tradition was important but the way they were going about things the wizarding world won't survive. Harry thought about the things that Voldemort and Dumbledore preached to there followers both lies. Voldemort new what Albus always talked about because he had a spy in the group who in the form of wormtails who attended many meetings of the Order of Pheonix which he had willing shown his memories to his master everytime when they met in secret to talk. Both the leaders of light spout lies they bother were evil in there own right. Dumbledore cared not who or how many were sacrificed on his side he only cared for what he saw as the greater good. So while members of their side were being killed off one by one the light side only were allowed to cast stunners and none leathal spells taking as very few lies as possible. Voldemort didn't hesitate to kill off others if they didn't side with him or got in his way. It didn't matter if they were half blood, muggle born, or pureblood Voldemort killed them all. It still a wonder why anyone still folllow him when he was killing off the pureblood he was supposedly supposed to be the symbol for.  Harry knew the war was by no means over and he knew Voldemort would return he was to smart not to have come up with other ways  since his last incounter with Harry three years ago he doubt he would be stupid to not make more after one of his Horcrux now two were destroyed even if Harry was an accident. Seeing through Voldemorts memories he relize that the night Voldemort had attacked he was accidentally made into a horcrux that was supposed to be Voldemorts wand.

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