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In the heart of London, a city known for its hidden mysteries, an unusual story of darkness and longing unfolded. Alex, a vampire of ancient origin, had roamed these streets for many years, taking care of his obscure responsibilities in the city's dark corners and alleyways.

For a long time, he had found the satisfaction of his needs in terms of nourishment in the company of a particular human woman. Alex had watched her life from the shadows, inexplicably drawn to her smell, her taste. Each night, he would visit her, taking her blood, feeding from her, leaving her with a desire for him that could never be reciprocated.

But tonight felt different. Standing outside her darkened house, a sense of unease washed over him. Something was wrong, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He entered through an open window, moving silently, and found her lying motionless in her bed.

She no longer breathed. Her skin was pale, and an eerie stillness hung in the room. Fear gripped him as he realized the truth.

She was dead.

It was a sight he hadn't expected, a moment that disrupted the delicate balance between their two worlds. The woman he had been visiting each and every night for the past years was no longer available to him.

"Fuck," Alex lit a cigarette in her quiet bedroom, the flame of his lighter illuminating the deep frown on his face, "for fuck's sake!"

In the tranquillity of the night, with the city around him, Alex felt angry. The reason for her death wasn't known to him and in fact, it didn't matter. What did matter was that she was gone, and he had to search for another poor soul to feed from.

Oh, how he dreaded the fact that he had to stray through the vast street network of fucking London until he found a human that came close to meeting his standards. He could've taken the easy route, like those other undemanding vampires, sinking their teeth into any mortal soul they stumbled upon. But that wasn't Alex's style; it wasn't his way.

He refused to settle for the ordinary. No, he had a dainty taste, one that craved something more, something extraordinary.

It was tempting, of course, to simply choose a random mortal like his vampire peers, but that was never an option for him. He needed that special essence that set his chosen apart from the rest. His search was all about finding the best, seeking something exceptional, even if it meant wandering the city's complex streets until he would find the one.

The evening had started with such structure. Alex had plans, commitments, and a tightly scheduled night ahead of him. He had cultivated a reliable source of sustenance, one that had provided him with the precious blood he needed to survive for some time.

Yet, as fate would have it, that source had met an untimely end, leaving Alex in a state of growing annoyance and urgency.

But it was no use complaining now. He was hungry. Certainly, he was able to survive one or two nights without human blood, yet he tried to avoid that at almost all cost. Being deprived of it for too long would lead to slower healing abilities and an overall lack of strength and powers.

Consequently, he began prowling the streets, his pale skin highlighted by the soft glow of lampposts. His senses, sharpened by centuries of existence, sought out the particular scent of blood, a scent that could satisfy his relentless craving.

And then, it happened. A distinct aroma, so enticing and unique, reached his nostrils. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered, a scent that set his vampire instincts into motion. His dark eyes narrowed, and his senses concentrated on the source.

He followed the intoxicating scent through winding alleyways and across quiet squares, each step carrying him closer to his unknowing prey. It was a pull he couldn't resist, a magnetic force that drew him toward the origin of that alluring scent.

Finally, he arrived at the doorstep of an unassuming house, his heart pounding with anticipation. The scent had grown stronger, filling the air around him with its irresistible charm. His instincts that never failed him announced that this was it, that he had found his next source of nourishment.

Silently, he slipped inside the house, a shadow moving like a whisper. His steps were soft, barely making a sound as he made his way to the bedroom. There, he stood at the foot of the bed, watching his prey with unshakable intensity.

The room was dimly lit by the moon outside, giving it a soft, eerie feel. She, as Alex could now make out, was asleep, innocently oblivious to his presence. Her breathing was steady, and she seemed peaceful. For now.

Alex couldn't look away. He felt a mix of things, like hunger and attraction at once. It was as if something had drawn him to her, an invisible connection.

He stayed there, just watching, lost in the moment. It felt like time had stopped, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Then, as if she was feeling his intense gaze on her, she stirred and opened her sleepy eyes.

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