4.2 | and alone in life

Start from the beginning

"Just wait till your kids grow up, they'll drag you through hell and back." She pinched the bridge of the nose as she sighed.

Ed chuckled. "Oh yea? What happened? Anything big?"

"Nah," Taylor shrugged. "I mean, she did put someone in hospital but I don't think it's that bad, honestly. You know Thea."

"Sure do." Ed replied, nodding. "Remember when she was 3, she used to go into the garden and put flowers in her hair, and she would whine and scream whenever anyone tries to stop her." She offered her friend a soft smile. "Then she'll run around the house and spin around to show it off."

Taylor chuckled, there's nothing she found more amusing then reminiscing about the old days with her best friends. "I missed the days when she'll follow me around everywhere- like literally everywhere, and now? It's like she doesn't need me anymore." Waving her hand in the air, she shook her head slightly to dismiss the matter. "Let's just get on with the song."


It was nine by the time Dorothea was told to pack her things. Night had fallen outside, engulfing the whole town. A sudden downpour had caught Nashville by surprise, the forecasted sunshine met an abrupt end when a crack of thunder sparked through the clouds at the late evening. Despite the rain and wind, there were still the usual crowd of paparazzi waiting for them as they step foot outside the studio front door. Dorothea put on her regular picture perfect smile as she kept her head down, trailing closely behind her mother as she slipped into the car that was waiting for them on the side of the road.

Like the ride to the studio, the car ride back home was silent. Dorothea stared out the window while Taylor scrolled through her phone. There were the expected thousands of notifications from her social media, but it was Selena's message that caught the singer's eye.

Sel <3

Um, don't mean to ruin your day but you might want to take a look at this... Tree might've already sent you this and all so yea. I'm sure it's nothing, but uh, just want to make sure that Thea and you are both okay. I Hope you are. Love you. {Attached video}

Taylor sent her best friend a text saying they're both fine before she opening the attachment. She accidentally pressed the volume bottom on her phone a little bit too hard as the sounds blasted through the device, the screams and shouts bouncing of the walls of the car. Dorothea snapped her head towards her mother as soon as the first word was said.

"I just hate people who have sluts as moms and think they're entitled because their parents are rich and famous."

"Mom?" Dorothea reached out to her mother, who was fully engrossed into the flashing screen in front of her.

"Her music is really shit as well. Like who wants to listen to a lovesick little bitch sing about heartbreaks?"

Dorothea shook her mother gently. She knew how much these comments affect Taylor, she had had the first hand experience of how bad it could get in 2016. She remembered walking in the living room to find her mother crying on the floor with Joe beside her; she remembered the fight between Joe and her mother when Taylor found out that her boyfriend deleted all her social media apps; she remembered cuddling with her mother on the couch after a lot of tears and self insults and reassuring sentences.

"Honestly, Taylor Swift is just an overrated fat ugly bitch."

Taylor had to slam her head back onto the head rest to prevent the tears from streaming down her face. Her heart was pounding in her head. She flicked her head to the side, ignoring her daughter's concerned words as she bit her lower lip and let one single tear fall from her eyes silently. Suppressing a sob that rose through her throat, she blinked the tears away.

"Mom?" Dorothea asked for what seemed like the thousandth time today. Taylor turned her head back to stare at the seat in front of her, her ponytail hitting Dorothea slightly in the face in process.

"Change of plans," Taylor said without looking at her daughter, "I'm dropping you off at Selena's." Her voice was loud and clear, mainly to make sure the driver could hear her, but there were certain emotions hidden in peremptory facade. Anger, compunction and. Pain. "You can stay there until the end of your suspension."

"Auntie Selena's?" Dorothea questioned, a hint of excitement in her tone, "why? Don't you normally make me stay with Granny when you can't look after me?" She knew Taylor wouldn't normally send her to Selena's after she got in trouble, because there's at least an eighty percent chance that Selena would praise Dorothea for what she did. Which is why Dorothea loved Selena so much.

"Your grandmother is busy, and the only other person I trust enough, who is also close by, is Selena." She typed something in her phone. "You should have a bit of your stuff at her house anyways, so we won't have to stop at home." Your grandmother is busy. That's a lie, and Dorothea knew it. Andrea wasn't busy, it's just that Taylor had heard someone talk dirty about her looks and weight after years trying to get over it, and she needed her mother right then. But it wasn't like Dorothea was going to bring that up.

The young girl shrugged and let out a small 'okay, got it.' before turning back to stare at the window. And when they arrived at Selena's, Dorothea slipped her bag onto her shoulder, put on her best smile and told her mom that she loved her before slamming the door shut and heading inside the house. 



WOOHOO I FINISHED MY WINTER EXAMS, OH THANK THE LORD. sooooo.... i had been busy studying but before and after that, i managed to write up another chapter for this book. (please the proud of me) i was planning on posting this on firday but taylor PUT YOU'RE LOSING ME ON STREAMING SERVICES????!!!! so i decided to post this today to celebrate our gain. (you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this)

seeing a notification from wattpad of your guys vote and commenting on this book always brings a smile to my face. it's nice to know that someone other than me enjoys my stories. so thank you so much for 12k read you guys!!!

(oh and it's almost christmas... have you guys got your christmas decorations up yet???)

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