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The mall we are in is huge like you can fit three mansions in here. When it was just me and Mom we weren't poor but we weren't really rich we could afford what we needed nothing more nothing less. But this is something else 

I can see my aunt comes from money the only stores she enters are the ones whose names are hard to pronounce. I am not clompaining tho. Dad is over it. 

he almost lost his mind when I fit some clothes my mom and aunt got for me. Mom is enjoying herself more than she would like to admit. all the boys are either on their phones or sleeping. no joke Lev slept for a while in the changing room.

Uncle complained that he was hungry so we sat in a very rustic restaurant waiting for our food.

"So as I was saying he needs some time to warm up," She says Dad stops mid-bite and glares at his sister-in-law.

"How old is he" I ask taking a sip from my iced tea 

"19 Is that a problem i promise he is sweet and easy on the eyes darling" She ends with a smirk. My dad was mad before now, but now he is fuming.

"May I suggest before you go on dear can you please take into consideration that my brother is very old and this isn't very good for his blood pressure?" my uncle says with a grin pointing at my father

Dad flips him off and finishes eating. he asks Mom something I can make out she nods and looks away and Dad sighs while putting his arm behind my mom's chair on the headrest 

"So what is his full name," I ask my ant ignoring my parents 

"Well his real name is Antonio Dante Ferrair but everybody calls him Antonio and his close friends call him Tony. But you can call him future husband" she finishes and Dad chokes on what I think is water but I know it isn't 

"She won't fucking call him anything and much less future husband Maria over my fucking dead body," Dad says throwing down his napkin he used to clean his mouth 

"That can be arranged sleep with one eye open sweetie" After that the conversation ends. We fished the lunch in eerie silence. 

When its time to pay Mom to fish her wallet out and Dad looks like she said he is a fish that belongs in a lagoon 

"put it away," he says and mumbles something close to 'away for 17 years and thinks I won't pay un-fucking-believable'

We spent a few hours browsing the stores but nothing caught my eye it was all very revealing and tight. Don't get me wrong I have my moments but these clothes were just downright ugly. Dad nearly lost his mind  when Aunt Maria gave me a Tight pink dress

By the time we get home, I am tired hungry, and annoyed. I am ready to scare down a sandwich and go to bed.

I go to shower but I am interrupted by yells. I quickly get dressed and run downstairs. I am met with two strange men standing in my living room and Mom is tending to one wound no one has noticed me yet so I take time to look over the men. They both are good-looking. The injured one is spiraled over the chair and one is standing.

the one standing is sexy with his light brown hair and green eyes while the one sitting is devastatingly beautiful with pitch black hair and dark blue eyes that look like two deep pools of spilled paint

the one sitting is already looking at me. his eyes take me slowly in with a lazy stare. Dad walks back into the room ending his call and he sees me.

"Grace, what are you doing here?" He asks setting his phone down and gets three glasses and fills them with a clear liquid the same one he was drinking at lunch. 

"I heard yells dad" i say not taking my eyes of the stranger. He raises his eyebrow and says "Dad" in a heavy accent.

That is when i notice my mistakes and looks at dad but he is frozen.

"Well darling that isn't needed you can go back to your room" He says 

Dad motions for the one standing to follow him. They both walk out.

"Darling, come help me please," Mom says from her place on the ground.

I walk closer and i see blood from is stomach is dripping onto his pants.

"Hold here i going to go fetch some stuff. yip like that" she shows mw and then dissapear i get on my knees to get more comfortable but the intesity of his eyes on me makes me gitty on the inside

Mom shows me what to do. I do it without much troubels and am left sitting on the floor.

Mom is sticting him up when she presses on a sticth he presses his eyes shut but he doesn't move an inch

I dont know what possed me but I grabbed his hand and gave it a sqeeuse.

He looks at me like a confused puppy. He tilts his head slightly. I smile and relaxes slightly like half an inch

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