Lets take a walk

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"This has to be some kind joke Doc." Shepards voice echoed in the meeting room. He openly disbelieved Keller's explanation for Lizzy's medical condition. "It such a thing even possible?" The frustrated male groaned as he started to pace the room.

"Sit down Coronal." Woolsey groaned as he watched the Wraith closely. The bases military commander chose to remain standing.

"Why am I here. If you continue to dispute any explanation I offer." Todd hissed tone-fully. The large wraith remained seated, but ready to pounce at any moment. Despite his trust for humans, he was still on guard around them.

"We where hoping for a treatment or maybe a visible cure." McKay added with a slight squeak. He looked the most disappointed, currently.

"I have told you how to treat the sickness your underling suffers from. It is not my responsibility, that you have chosen to ignore that information." Todd stood up with an irritated growl. "The slight madness she suffers from now, is merely the beginning. The fever's will come next. If her needs are still ignored, she will become delusional. The madness will cause her mind to drift, until it can no longer be recovered. The flesh left behind will become animal-like. Functioning on pure instinct, unable to reason on it's own." Todd slammed his fist down on the table. Every human in the room stared at him, waiting for, something he couldn't give.

"I have seen this before in other Wraith. The madness tear's the mind apart until there is nothing left. But that is not the end, because the bond will keep both halves alive, one step away from death. Clinging to the souls last breath until neither wraith nor human can survive it any longer. An eternal state of living-death that cannot be reversed.

The shell's left behind wonder and decay slowly. No Wraith would dare to feed off such a desolate creature. No mercy can be granted to them, not even if you wish it.

You must act now. Once the madness take's full control of the mind, the only thing anyone can do... I-s, w-i-t-n-e-s-s. Not even, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I, am that cruel." Todd hissed with disgust at the room of silent humans around him. Not a one said a word in response to the Wraiths sudden and tone-full speech.

"What are the options here?" Woolsey eventually managed to get out. The small man cleared his throat and looked carefully at the towering Wraith next to him.

"Separation sickness is impossible to predict. Some never suffer its effects. While other's are forced to fend off it's approach monthly. I have a feeling this case is..." The Wraith hesitated to continue his explanation.

"I saw no evidence that privet Frey was harmed in any way." Keller guessed what the Wraith was getting at.

"T-h-a-t, is actually the problem." Todd seamed to shy away from the topic.

"That is not confusing at all." Shepard blurted out.

"This is not something Wraith usually discuss openly." Todd groaned tone-fully. It was rare to seen him so noticeably uncomfortable.

"What no sex education on a Hive?" McKay suddenly cowered, when Todd turned his way with a piercingly cold stare. The tall star-eyed Wraith looked ready to attack the small human male, but he choice to refrain.

"Tell me human. Have you ever mated with a Wraith? Are you aware of the intimacies shared in the bedchamber?" Todd growled tone fully. His right hand flexed as Shepard clicked the snap on his side arm free.

"That's enough." Woolsey intervened. "I think we have all had enough, for now." The small bald man stood up between Sheppard and Todd's position.

"Except anything useful." Sheppard huffed irritated. He glanced around the smaller base commander with a disappointed glare.

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