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??:"Agent Heart, it is good to hear from you! How is the mission going?"

A-Heart:"I have some good news and bad news."

??:"What's is the bad news?"

A-Heart:"The hydra have almost completed the machine and the S.H.I.E.l.D. are here but l am not sure where they are or who came."

??:"Eishh, That became complicated already! By the way, what is the good news?"

A-Heart:"Agent Death angel is back and we need your help." *moving away from the phone*

??:"WHAT?! DEATH ANGEL IS BACK?! HOW?!" *on the phone, sound of falling off the chair in shock*

A-Heart:"I will explain to you about that later." *shaking head in disbelief*

On the other side,

As l was walking with Chelsea who was surprisingly talking to me in chirping mood as in super good mood that l started to become suspicious and weird of her behavior.

We entered in our class and took our normal seats as we were waiting for the new professor and the new assistant as Chelsea explained to me of what they did yesterday and how she started the class by asking them few questions to get to know them.

Soon the chatter in the class faded as the door to our class opened and revealed to be our new professor and the new assistant but something about her, makes me feel butterflies in my stomach burst. I suddenly realized that she is that lady l bump into yesterday as l was rushing to get to class!

She scan the room and the students individually analyzing their them before our eyes first met, first expression on her face was confused? No.. Was it surprised? Or both? I wasn't sure.

She looked at me for about few seconds longer before facing the class as greet them with a warm smile and they greeted her back in excitement.

??:"Good Morning class! I hope you are well and ready to learn!"


??:"For those who don't know who l am, my name is Wanda Olsen and I am your new language professor.l will like you all to address me as Miss Olsen or Miss wanda."

??:"And I am Natalia Johansson but you can all address me as Miss Johansson or Miss Natalie which one you feel comfortable with." *flashing a gorgeous smile at us*

Class:"Yes, Miss Olsen! and Miss Johansson!"

{Aries-Chan : see what l did there? *giggle*random question, who will you date, Elizabeth Olsen or Gal Gadot?}

Miss Johansson left the class as she got a call and said something important happened as she wished us luck and left the class, not before sending a flirty wink at me and dissappeared which I didn't notice but a certain redhead did.

Wanda olsen? What beautiful and unique name! She definitely hottest and most beautiful woman l have ever met in my entire life, l mean she looks like a freaking goddess! I think I may have brain malfunction just by looking at her gorgeous forest green eyes and her cute smile that appears on her face, anytime a student answer the question correctly and she smiles cutely.

I was staring at Miss Olsen in a trance for so long that Chelsea began to shake me and snapped me out of it as she looked at me then Miss Olsen who l look at her back to find her, busy armcross and she tilted her head a little that made me freaking sacred now with that look, she is giving me!

Miss Olsen:"Miss?" *raised eyebrow in question*

Y/n:"It's y-y-y/n s-s/n, M-miss O-Ols-sen." *stuttering in embarrass*

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