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Waking up the next morning to realize that I forgot to set my alarm clock on time as I am now running in a what looks like a marathon run as l am 15 minutes late for language class but realized that we have substitute teacher who super cool and sweet lady as she would let's us do our thing only if we don't cause too much noise for the other classes.

{Aries-Chan: l am not sure how university works or what classes they do as l am still in high school so, bare with me}

Heading to class as the moment l open the door, all eyes on me attentively as I look at our substitute to find her usual sitting, reading her book but no-one was by the desk. Sitting in my usual seat with Chelsea who happened to be my seatmate(next to me, 😎) looking around to find everyone acting normal and doing their thing, looking back at Chelsea who is engrossed on her phone as she slowly like zombie pace, scroll up with whatever she is reading.

Y/n:"What is that you are reading so attentively and where is Mrs Ava?"

Chelsea who finally part away her phone and look at me as if I some kinda of idiot and responding to me sarcastic tone.

Chelsea:"For someone who have perfect grades, you are an Idoit as you know that Mrs Ava is married to our language professor, Mr Ivan as she took few days off."

Sheepishly scratch the back of my neck in embarrass as l realized that Mrs Ava send the message to the language group chat about that. Busy doodling in my art book while listening to music that is playing in my ears 'Young Blood' After 30 minutes later and it was finally lunch-break as l forgot to eat this morning and now l am starving as Chelsea and I head to our usual table and Chelsea bought lunch for us,
It was pizza, sandwiches, fruit salad and two drinks of ice tea.

Meanwhile at HQ of avengers, the team are doing their usual routine which is, Bruce and Tony will be stuck in lab the whole day. bucky, steve and Clint will be training outside the fields
While natasha is training in the training room as wanda, Peter and vision are busy in the kitchen,vision and Peter busy talking to wanda while watching her cook lunch.

(loki and Thor went back to Asgard and Pietro is on a mission with Sam and yelena during that time)

As lunch is finally done and everyone sit around the table, began talking to one another as they tell interesting stories or funny jokes to each other as they were done eating. Everyone heading back to their places not before thanking wanda for making a delicious lunch for them, wanda was busy in her room as she was looking for a dress for tonight party.

Wanda thought of calling her friend and see if she want to go shopping with her to buy a sexy dress for tonight party as the dresses she have, she already wore them.

Wanda:"Carol! Are you perhaps busy? Yes.. Mmm in 20 minutes, l will pick you up and we will head to my favorite store! Okie bye.''

After getting ready to head out, picking up her close friend as wanda takes one of Tony's cars and drove off.

Meanwhile I was busy doing a pop quiz that sir gave us for business economics as it was a summary of what we have learned from the beginning till now. The questions were easy as a piece of cake as l noticed that some students around me were struggling while some were calm and collected, finally done with the pop quiz as sir gave us 30 minutes to finished it but l finished it within 10 minutes tops.

After awhile l head back as l remembered that my roommates will be here today as it is now 16:00pm(4pm) and I rushed back to my room as I soon noticed that there were a few boxes outside of my room which means.


Entering the room as two unfamiliar girls who on the couch, busy talking to each other who then heard the door open and everything went quiet as their eyes were now on me attentively as l wave awkwardly at them while stuttering, introducing myself.

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