• twenty-one •

859 34 17

random ass song because every chapter needs one. why? couldn't tell you.
enjoy! :)


| Jailen |

"Jailen." The sound of my name being called startled me.

Harry's hand flexed against my back considering I had turned around in my sleep and now had my face buried in his stomach. We had put Hayden on the couch before we drifted off to sleep and as far as I was concerned, she was still asleep. Otherwise, she would've woken us.

"Jailen!" My name was being called again, except this time it sounded angrier.

I frowned, reaching my hand up and putting it over Harry's mouth. I felt his face twist in confusion before he took his hand off my back and swatted my hand away.

"Stop," he mumbled, his hand wrapping around my wrist and pulling it down to rest against this chest.

"You stop," I replied and he just hummed.

There was a moment of silence and I began to doze off again. Not even seconds had passed before my name was being yelled and only then did it register.

I inhaled sharply, my eyes shooting open as I sat up quickly. My eyes searched around the room until they landed on Lucas standing in the doorway, his expression less than happy as he glared at Harry and me.

"Lucas," I blinked, pulling my hand from Harry's grip and wiping my mouth.

Harry groaned and reached out to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, keeping his eyes closed as he buried his head in my neck, "Did you just say Lucas?"

"Mhm," I cleared my throat as I attempted to pull away from him which just resulted in his hold getting tighter before he released me and opened his eyes.

He sighed heavily, taking his time as he lifted his arms over his head and groaned loudly, which unfortunately woke Hayden. She popped her head up immediately and the moment she realized that Harry was the one that had unintentionally woken her, she was ecstatic.

She screeched, wrapping her arms around Harry's head and blinding him for a bit when her arms covered his eyes. Harry seemed completely unbothered as she wrapped herself around his head like a koala and rested her cheek against the top of his head. I stared at the two, amazed by how much energy a toddler could have the moment they wake up and amazed how Harry didn't give a damn as he easily stood to his feet with our daughter still wrapped around him.

On instinct, I stood with them, my hands coming out in front of me just in case I needed to catch her. But she was secure from the looks of it and all she did was giggle.

"I feel like this is when I should give you a little privacy, yeah?" He asked, putting his arm up to hold Hayden securely as he walked towards Lucas.

I followed after him, not really knowing what to say as I approached my boyfriend. Was he still my boyfriend? I wasn't sure. I haven't spoken to him since before I left with Harry and Zayn. He hadn't tried to contact me and I hadn't tried to contact him either. But to be fair, I haven't tried to contact anyone these past couple of days.

Lucas glared at Harry as he passed by him, and Harry being Harry just smirked, making sure to bump Lucas's shoulder as he exited the living room.

"Harry," I mumbled and shook my head, but he just raised his hands in mock surrender as he disappeared around the corner.

And then it was just Lucas and I.

I sighed heavily, my chest tightening as the seconds passed. I bit the inside of my cheek, "Do you want some coffee?"

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