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Chapter 64

“What!” Lin Yanyan was shocked when she heard those words and then flushed with anger, “Husband, how can you make this decision so hastily? Is it just to prevent me from marrying Lan’er to him?”

“I don’t want to explain it to you. That Lan’er, don’t forget to send her away. I don’t want to see her again in the future!” After saying what he wanted, he slammed the door when he left. 

Lin Yanyan trembled and didn’t know what to say. Is this such a serious matter? Serious enough to transfer Yan Fei away and drive Lan’er away?

Lin Yanyan can’t figure it out but she knew it was not easy.

On the second day, Yan Feili received the transfer order, which seemed not so unexpected, and calmly looked at the contents.

“Oh! General Yan, what is going on? Why did the Sect Master suddenly transfer you away?” 

“Vice General Shen, I will ask you and Zhang to lead them with the affairs of the North Gate.”

“General Yan, don’t worry and leave it to us here,” Vice General Shen said. This morning, he was surprised by the order from the Sect Master, but when he went to see Yan Feili, he noticed that Yan Feili looked calm and seemed to be prepared.

“When is General Yan planning to leave?”

Yan Feili smiled and raised the order in his hand, “Isn’t it written to leave immediately? I’ll go and pack my things, then I will set off within today. Go and report to the Sect Master.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Yes.” Although Vice General Shen felt that the matter was abrupt, he didn’t ask much.

Tjc Mflil atbeuta obg j ktlif jcv rjlv, “Nlmf Xfcfgji Vtfc, ws biv reybgvlcjafr klii ulnf sbe j iba bo agbeyif. Ktfs jii obiibkfv wf ogbw Ujc Aec. Ktfs obiibkfv wf obg wjcs sfjgr. P erejiis cfuifma ab vlrmlqilcf atfw jcv P jw erfv ab la. Ktfs jgf j yla kliv. Pc atf oeaegf, sbe klii ajxf bnfg atf afjmtlcu wjaafgr. Tbe vbc’a tjnf ab yf jmmbwwbvjalcu klat atfw yfmjerf bo wf fnfc lo sbe obiibk atf geifr.”


“As with the other things, I usually ask the Sect Master, General Hua of the Southern Gate, and the two generals of Qin for guidance. If General Hua is not around, you can go to General Qin if you have something to do. He is the clearest about the integration of the four gates, and he is also generous and gentle. If something is not clear, you go to ask him and he will explain it to you.” 


Then Yan Feili explained the affairs and personnel he was in charge of and finally asked, “Vice General Shen, do you know everything?”

“Yes. The general knows everything.” Shen felt strange because Yan Feili sounded as if he would not come back after being transferred, waiting for his funeral. The Sect Master had favored him, even if transferred to the side branch, after three to five months, at most a year or a half, will return. It was enough to take over temporarily with Lao Zhang and others, so why bother to say so clearly?

Nonetheless, the things that Yan Feili said were related to the affairs of the North Gate, and he remembered them carefully. 

After Vice General Shen left, Yan Feili returned to the Bamboo Garden, opened the closet, picked out a few sets of clothes he used to wear, collected some of his savings over the past few years, went to the study to fetch a few books, and simply sorted a piece of luggage. Then he changed his clothes, took care of himself carefully, and came to Shenmei Courtyard.

It was still the elegant room of incense and the servant who went in to report came back and said, “The Sect Master said that General Yan does not have to say farewell.”

Yan Feili was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said, “Go report to the Sect Master and say that if Yan’mou doesn’t see the Sect Master today, Yan’mou won’t leave.”

The servant looked up at him and secretly thought that the general’s tone of speech today seemed unusual, not the usual polite and respectful. With an unspeakable taste, people can’t help but follow his words. They went again into the back room and reported to the Sect Master. 

Yan Feili stood in front of the window and waited for a moment. A faint cold fragrance passed in and he knew that Beitang Ao was behind him now but he lost the courage to turn around.

Beitang Ao looked at his back, there was an indescribable pain in his heart which was still entangled with inexplicable anger. The first reason he transferred Yan Feili was to avoid Lin Yanyan from pestering him again. If this continues, with his temper, he was afraid that one day he will do something wrong. Secondly, he also felt that the two needed to calm down. Since returning to Jianjing, they have not faced the problem of the relationship between them. Now that this kind of thing was to happen again, it will challenge the relationship between them greatly. Beitang Ao was tired.

For the first time, to avoid him, Beitang Ao went to the Ming Kingdom by himself. The second time, to avoid Beitang Ao, Yan Feili went to the battlefield. This time, either of them can tell who was avoiding who. But Beitang Ao couldn’t bear it and issued a transfer order to let Yan Feili leave him.

Yan Feili turned around and said softly, “Sect Master.” 

“Yes?” Beitang Ao looked at him and saw him looking over. The two looked at each other, yet avoided one another.

“Sect Master, I am leaving today. I want… I want to see Li’er. ”

“He’s still taking a nap, you can’t see him.”

“No! “Yan Feili took a step forward and whispered desperately, “I want to see him, Sect Master. Please let me see him. ” 

The North Gate saw his earnest demeanor and said, “Well, wait.”

He turned around and took the child out. Li’er cried in the middle of the night and woke up in the morning with a toss. At this time, he slept soundly and he didn’t expect that the person holding him was the one who he had missed dearly.

Yan Feili carefully hugged the sturdy little boy into his arms with unspeakable compassion on his face. Beitang Ao felt soft, stepped forward, and said, “Feili, I didn’t do it for yesterday’s affairs. I did this to give us some time. Some things… we both need to think carefully about.”

Yan Feili looked down at the child in his arms, patted him lightly, and said, “I understand. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be where we are today. ” 

Beitang Ao didn’t expect Yan Feili to think the same way. He didn’t know what to say. After a while, he sighed, “Feili, we both think about it. After a while, I will wait for these things to pass and transfer you back. ”

“How is Miss Lan’er?”

The North Gate’s expression sunk, “You went so far as thinking about her?”

“No.” Yan Feili said, “She didn’t do anything, and I hope the Sect Master will not punish her. ” 

“Just leave her alone,” Beitang Ao replied solemnly.

“Sect Master…” Yan Feili frowned and his expression worried.

Beitang Ao knows that Yan Feili was upright and did not want to harm others because of himself, so Beitang Ao sighed, “I know. I won’t do anything to her. It’s just that she is not careful enough, so I can’t keep her around. The restless maid has been sent back to the Ming Kingdom.”

Yan Feili was relieved, knowing that Beitang Ao had a proud temperament and would not do anything to a maid. 

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