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Chapter 36

"It seems you still have a bit of foresight!" Wujie sneered.

Yan Feili frowned and said faintly, "I heard that General Wujie is the number one general of the Dian nationality. Yan'mou thought he was a man, but I saw you today, but you are not!"

Wujie's expression changed, "You are mocking this General for using tricks to intercept you?"

"Dare not! It's just that those who are fighting on the battlefield will resolve their grievances on the battlefield, and using such an innocent means disappointed Yan'mou."

"Well! If you don't enter the stream, you won't enter the stream. We Yunnan talents don't like to posture like you Zhongyuan people do." The man in black behind Wujie said quietly.

Wujie said coldly, "How can one not take revenge for killing one's brother! If the General hadn't slipped away from the battlefield first, the General would be chased here. "

"Slip away? "Yan Feili smiled, "Yan'mou has been on the battlefield for many years, and his subordinates have already had countless souls. How can they run away because of killing one more individual? Besides, Yan'mou didn't know whose brother he was. Even if I killed him, you and I are enemies and not friends. Either you die or I die on the battlefield."

"I heard that the General is the first military commander of the North Gate Sect Master, and he can't think of his articulation as eloquently! Today you fall into my hands, it is also your destiny."

Wujie turned around to his confidant, "Give good hospitality to the General for me. Don't let us down. We have worked hard to invite him. "

He wore a cold smile and turned to leave.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf wjc lc yijmx jqqgbjmtfv Tjc Mflilf klat j rbggbkoei fzqgfrrlbc, "Xfcfgji Tjc, vb cba yf cfgnber, P klii cba ifa sbe reoofg. Yc atf mbcagjgs, P klii fcafgajlc sbe klat atf wbra qgfmlber wfvlmlcf bo beg Gljc Blcuvbw."

Ycmf tf kjr vbcf rqfjxlcu, tf qlcmtfv Tjc Mflil'r atgbja jcv raeoofv j qlii vbkc.

Yan Feili lost all his power and couldn't resist. The medicine slid down the throat and started melting in the mouth. Before it got to the stomach, it was gone without a trace.

"General Yan, this is the famous Mituoxian of our Dian Kingdom. This medicine is not poisonous, but it can make people want to and die. And the best part is that there is no cure. "

The man squinted his long and narrow eyes and laughed twice, "But after you become addicted, I am afraid that you will cry and beg me for more pills! Take this medicine once a day, and you will be 'reborn' in three days."

Yan Feili was not eccentric and quite calm. He had long heard of the drug in the Dian. He knew it was very powerful and can slowly erode people's minds, making people's temperaments change and become addicted.

It was like a drunkard who was addicted to alcohol and gambling, but those can only be said to be faults. A drunkard can quit. This Mituoxian used drugs to control people's nerves. After being addicted, if one did not take it for a day, life can be worse than death.

*I don't quite agree with the writer's commentary on this, but I tried my best to not change their tone/meaning. I am giving the writer the benefit of a doubt because I don't know Chinese.

After the man in black left, Yan Feili threw himself to the corner, desperately trying to vomit the medicine out, but there was nothing. He had lost all his skills and was unable to excrete toxins from the body. Yan Feili could only allow the drug to travel through his body.

A while later, his mind became numb and his whole body was light as if he was about to fly. He was uncomfortable.

Beitang Ao analyzed the news received so far and determined that Wujie had not left Huacheng. They were still lurking somewhere in the city.

Wujie was from the Dian Kingdom and his image was very different from that of the Central Plains. No matter how he concealed it, as long as he appeared in the city, he would be discovered by the people of Tianmen.

Beitang Ao was skeptical. If their purpose was to take revenge, then they should leave as soon as they caught Yan Feili instead of staying in Huacheng. Since they did this, they must have another purpose. Then he might boldly speculate that Yan Feili should still be alive. Yet, this did not eliminate Beitang Ao's anxiety. He couldn't wait for a moment, he wanted to quickly find Yan Feili.

A breath drifted and Beitang Ao left the hall and came to the corner of the backyard where a figure was already waiting.

"Reporting to Sect Master, this subordinate has news of General Yan!"

"What!" Beitang Ao shouted, "Say it!"

"This subordinate was ordered to monitor Ling Qing's whereabouts who followed General Yan. This subordinate traced to the entrance of the city's Ximin Street and started with a man in black. Later, Ling Qing lost his skills and returned to the establishment to report. This subordinate should have followed him back, but the General's matter might be more important and followed the man in black."

Beitang Ao didn't expect this unintentional cutting will result in unexpected gains. He further asked, "Where does the man in black stop?"

"West of the city in the shaded manor. "

"Good! Ling Zhu, you will have a trip with me tonight."



"Don't call me that!" Qiu Yeyuan burst out. The original delicate baby face was a bit distorted at this time.

"Don't be like this, it's not your fault!" Ximen Yue ignored Qiu Yeyuan's resistance, went up, and hugged him tightly.

"What do you know! If I didn't let Ling Qing take him out to relax... If they didn't stop to buy me peach blossom pastry, General Yan would be leaving with the Sect Master tomorrow. How could this happen?"

Sure enough, this thought was turning in the mind of this hard-hearted little fool.

"Even if they hadn't gone out today or bought you peach blossom pastry, that Wujie would've used other methods to get his revenge anyway."

"No! You do not understand! I gave them the opportunity, all because of me..." Qiu Yeyuan's voice choked.

When he saw Ling Qing returned in wounds, he knew Yan Feili had fallen into the hands of the enemy. The peach blossom pastry on the table had been smashed and inedible. Qiu Yeyuan couldn't wait to hit Ling Qing to death!

"We will find General Yan, he will be fine!" Ximen Yue usually didn't comfort people. He only knew that he had to find the righteousness as soon as possible, otherwise this little fool would regret life and couldn't extricate himself! Qiu Yeyuan's heart was full of anxiety and regret, and regardless of whose arms he was in, he burst into tears as if venting.

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