Chapter 9

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One week had past since the incident back at the forest near the orphanage, Dexter had been dealing with his punishments and did not show any signs of stopping, even though his brain is fried up from a lot of his studies, along with being burnt out from his daily chores that had been doubled. He kept on pushing forward in order to redeem himself, as the young boy would say.

Julia, feeling terrible at the fact that her friend is on the verge of passing out, she handled some of his chores without him noticing despite her twisted ankle, hoping that it would lessen the burden plus stress he's been going through. Even Jimmy went out of his way to tutor the ginger-haired boy one three subjects that he couldn't understand and what he missed out on.

While finishing up mopping on the second floor, Dexter heard the front entrance to the orphanage opened. Julia had stopped dusting, along with Jimmy pausing himself from cleaning the windows. The trio looked at one another before putting down their cleaning equipment down and made their way over to the stair's balcony. The three took a peak to see who the visitor was. Suppose it's that time today.

Every year during spring, a few or more married couples would visit the orphanage to either visit, or meet with the children. And if a few were lucky enough, they were chosen to be adopted. Some couple that visited the orphanage are middle class, while most were actual nobles and aristocrats. Why those of high class? Mainly because they were searching for a child for their own benefits. To them if they're lucky enough, are aiming for a child that is of noble blood or coming from an aristocratic background after they tragically lost their families to horrible circumstances or natural causes.

If that said child from high class had no other living relatives, then the married couples from their respective noble status would immediately snatch them before anyone else could. After all, there are always in for the money and wealth. Not only that, fertility can be an issue as well. The adopted child alone has to be chosen as their successor until their so-called adoptive parents actually and successfully conceive their own. After that, their adopted child will have their title being taken and will mostly be invisible to them. Unfortunately the adopted child will continue to be money magnets and a trophy for their scumbag of an adoptive parents until they're married off to another noble to bring in more riches.

Three couples came over to the orphanage to visit. One couple is definitely of nobility while the other two are middle classes. Both the middle and noble couples were escorting to the playroom to meet the children, while the second middle class couple were being led to Madam Wilson's office by another caretaker.

Once the visitors disappeared, the young trio returned to finish up their chores. Jimmy is the first to break the silence as curiosity got the best of him.

"I wonder who's going to be adopted?"

Dexter shrugged in response, mopping up the spot he missed on the wooden floor "Knowing Charlotte, she's ecstatic of the thought of being adopted by those noble sots"

"Oh come now, Dexter. I'm sure those noble sots are nice"

"Uh- Excuse me? You don't know that, Jimmy. Not every stupid noble we meet is kind as Lord Collins"

Despite looking dejected, Jimmy replied calmly "You never know though"

The ginger-haired boy rolled his eyes "Well, I'm sure they're here to have one good look at our brothers and sisters before immediately leaving if they can't find their noble prize"

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