Chapter 7

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Dexter fell flat on his face, sullying it with damp soil and leaves that were once dried and brittle. Julia landed beside the boy with a hard thud, collapsing onto her side as her weight from the fall hurt her feet from using them to land on. The two orphaned children both groaned in pain as both small and large chunks of dirt rained down on them. Both more soiled by the earth and of it's moisture from mother nature itself, Dexter and Julia's body temperature changed due to the now chilly air. With the sun slowly disappearing more, the weather indeed dropped.

Julia struggled to push herself up to get away from the moistened earth that dirtied her face. Her white bow holding the back half of her hair being slanted to the right clockwise slightly while the hems of both her sleeves and the skirt part of her almond cream dress were dirtied with soil. Even her white cotton apron were stained as well.

The ginger-haired boy beside her looked as rough and dirtied. Both knees were exposed from his trousers being ripped. The skin was scraped as well, bleeding little by little. Though it stung, Dexter's adrenaline numbed the pain with anxiety to go with it. He is now internally panicking from this ordeal he and the raven-haired ten year old were in. No doubt Madam Wilson is going to be furious at the fact that he ran into the woods and went missing. He even got Julia involved, making it double the punishment he'll receive later on. If he and Julia can find their way out somehow.

"Blimey!" Dexter groaned "Julia? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine" Julia groaned as well, trying to get back on her feet. Though as soon as she stand up, Julia gasped out loud in utter pain, collapsing right back down onto the ground in a sitting position.

"Julia! What's wrong!?" The frantic eleven year old fell onto his knees, not caring for his small scrapes, beside the young girl who is whimpering from the searing pain coming from her ankle. Dexter gently removed Julia's hand away from her ankle that is still concealed by her short brown boots, removing it. He then rolled her now heavily stained long white stockings down to inspect the damage. Dexter's face fell even more at the sight of the girl's ankle that now has a deep bruise. It even swelled up a bit, making it look absolutely painful.

"H-How bad is it?" Julia asked weakly.

"Very bad, and we need to get out of here fast before it gets worse"

Dexter had rolled Julia's stockings back up and placed her boot back on as carefully as possible to not cause her more pain. Once had the laces tied up again, Dexter used his hands to cup around his mouth, shouting out towards the opening of the pit as much as his throat can handle. Someone is ought to be out looking for him and Julia, right?

"HELP!" Dexter this time screamed "HELP US! WE'RE STUCK IN THIS PIT! HEEEELP!"

After three minutes, Dexter felt like his lungs are going to collapse, and his throat is starting to grow irritating and scratchy from how much he hollered. Whined in defeat, dropping himself down on his bottom close to the injured girl. He let out a sharp huff, crossing his arms in frustration. Then he frowned as both worry and fear began to settle in. Indeed Madam Wilson will definitely get on his case for not only disobeying her, but also putting another fellow orphan in danger. He knew it's his fault that he dragged Julia into the forest with him, and got them both lost. Her ankle being twisted is the cherry on top of it all, and the injury will indeed get worse if he and Julia couldn't find a way out fast.

As far as fear of getting in trouble by the adults at the orphanage, Dexter felt more guilt than anything. Also scared of being stranded inside of the deep pit with nothing to shelter him and Julia from the elements. No food and water to keep them both alive if the search for the two missing orphans took a long time. Dexter couldn't help but wonder if all the adults from the orphanage are looking for him and Julia right now. If they are, he hoped or prayed to God that they find him and Julia soon before it gets too cold out. The sky above is getting dark with only few speckles of stars slowly appearing.

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