Chapter 1

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The early chilly morning air has risen quite a bit in London England, as well as the fog that surrounds everything in it's path. It is close to being in the middle winter, yet the snow has not fallen from the clouds that covers the sky like a fluffy blanket. Far below laid a lonely mansion as the flock of pigeons cooed to one another. Not just any manor. They call it the Phantomhive manor.

You see, our story takes place in the nineteenth century of London England. Do you believe in stories and myths of monsters or the supernatural? Maybe or maybe not, but they actually do exist. And a young boy happens to be involved in a contract with a soul starving demon. Not only that, there are other species that combines the demonic DNA with humans. You might as well call them halfbreeds, and one girl is in fact one of them. Not only that, but the very last remaining of her kind due to her father's relationship with a single human being. Thus also makes her and her species a threat to both the human world and the underworld. How you ask? Wait patiently, and the truth will come to you.

On a briskly early morning, a tall young man with short chin-length raven black hair was dressing himself up in a butler's attire. Adjusting his tie, the youth slipped on the outer black tailcoat before slipping on his crisp clean white gloves. When looking upon his reflection at the mirror that just hung at his height, the pale youth ran his white gloved covered fingers through his long silky soft raven black bangs with a look of displeasure.

Letting out a small irritable sigh, that tall young male tore his gaze away from the reflective glass, tugging a small strand of his hair behind his left ear "My my" He murmured softly "My hair is getting quite long. I believe it is time for me to get it trimmed..." With that said, he placed his silver pocket watch inside of his black tailcoat and walked out of his small clean bedroom, ready to start the morning off. You see, a butler's day begins early, as he would say of course. And for that, there are important things to take care of bright an early in the morning.

As he walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, a young girl, as mentioned before, stepped out of the bathroom while carrying her plain grey plastic cup and brown toothbrush with no signs of knots or strands of her long waist length raven black hair sticking up. She scarcely appears to resemble the older butler, almost as if she was his twin. The girl looks physically around nineteen to twenty years of age, but in truth, she is actually sixteen years old and standing up to five feet six. Much like the youth, the girl to has ruby red eyes mixed with an orangey autumn tint to it, skin pale as snow, yet has a slight warm peachy tone to it instead of having that slight grey tint like the tailcoat wearing butler. The girl is currently wearing her simple and boring looking white nightgown that reaches above her ankles, and had her long sleeves nearly covering her black fingernails due to the night clothing itself being a little big on her.

The tall youth smiled at the young teenage girl, greeting her gently "Good morning Julia. Sleep well last night?" The young twin, Julia, gave her elder a small nod with a yawn and answered in a groggy sort of tired voice. The youth can tell just by that drooping look plastered onto the girl's face. No one wants to wake up so early in the morning around six thirty.

"I slept alright. Thank you for asking Sebastian" Sebastian ruffled Julia's hair softly with a light chuckle "Still not used to waking up this early?" He asked teasingly, earning a shrug from her.

"I am still adjusting to this new morning schedule, but I'll be alright" Julia replied confidently with a small grin, her voice soft, yet a little bit deep for someone her age.

"That's the spirit"

Julia left to go change out of her nightgown with a young maid. The maid is a lot older than the young teen, twenty three years of age, but appears to be a ditsy teen herself. She is about one inch shorter than Julia, standing up to five feet five, slim looking, and has flawless looking light peachy skin. The maid is currently tying up her cherry maroon red hair before slipping on her maid attire that consist of a dark navy blue dress, dark brown laced up boots, white apron with four black buttons, and a white headpiece to go with it. Last but not least, the maid placed wide and round looking glasses over her light brown eyes.

After tying her long black hair up in a high ponytail, Julia sat on the edge of her bed and started slipping on her own dark brown laced up boots and tying the laces.

The maid had let out a loud yawn while stretching her arms up in the air to get rid of the pesky morning stiffness, turning her attention to Julia who is currently changing into the same maid attire "Today is going to be such a lovely sunny day for a change, huh Julia?" She asked cheerfully.

"Hm? Oh yes!" Julia replied with a wide grin "It's about time the sun came out from behind the clouds. I honestly can't stand how gloomy the sky looks every single day, Meyrin" It is quite true in fact. London England does get dark and cloudy all the time despite the spring and summer weather conditions. Course it still rains, but not quite often. None the less, that doesn't stop children from playing outside or anyone from having a nice stroll outside to have some fresh air and so forth. Young ladies from noble families still carry parasols with them wherever they go however, in case if the sun does decide to peek out from the gloomy grey clouds. Women don't usually favor hot weathers. Technically because they wore too many layers underneath their outerwear of their dresses of course.

Once the two maids have finished changing, Julia rushed out to bring the young master's breakfast to the dining room while Sebastian is still upstairs, dressing the young boy up for the day. The young black-haired teen loaded the serving cart with the food that has been already prepared before pushing it out of the kitchen.

"Morning little lady!" Greeted a tall shaggy blond-haired individual who appears to be in his mid thirties and in a chef's attire. Julia wave him a quick with a bright smile before replying.

"Good morning to you to Bard! You to Finny!" She said to a young ginger-haired boy who is about the same age as her, but about two inches shorter than her "I will meet you two down in the kitchen as well"

"Alrighty!" Cheered Finny.

As soon as Julia entered the kitchen, she pushed the cart towards the small rounded table in the dining room where the young head of his household sat with Sebastian standing by his side. The child himself is Earl Ciel Phanthomhive, also known as the Queen's Guard Dog, and the current owner of the Funtom company. What kind of company? A company that sells sweets and children's toys.

The young nobleman is thirteen years old with fair skin for a child, is five feet tall, his dark navy hair being chin length, and has alluring light sapphire blue eye with a black eye patch covering his left eye. For his attire, Ciel is currently wearing an outer blue coat with a dark blue neck tie, white button-down shirt and light mercury green vest underneath, black shorts, black stockings, and brown shoes. He is currently complaining to his butler about his ballroom dancing schedule, which made the red-eyed teen chuckle to herself.

Ciel became both a nobleman and the head of his household at the age of ten after his parents were murdered. He had everything a nobleman would ask for. A beautiful fiancé, money, luxury, and happiness. However, that is not Ciel wanted it. His only main goal as a fearsome nobleman is to hunt down the ones responsible for his parents murder, and he will sure to make them pay for their evil deed, as well as making them suffer the exact same humiliation that they put him through back when he was still kidnapped by a bunch of lowly members of the cult. He will not rest until gets his revenge and gain victory.

Julia soon approached the young Earl, placing a full plate of breakfast in front of him "Good morning my lord" She greeted politely. Ciel only hummed in response, laying his clean white napkin on his lap and picking up his eating utensils "Not looking forward to your dance lessons today?" Julia asked lightly in a slight teasing tone in her voice.

"Oh shut it" Scoffed Ciel, cutting up his poached salmon "I still don't quite understand why I am forced to learn how to dance" he muttered under his breath before taking a bite out of his salmon. Sebastian on the other hand send Julia a quick wink, receiving a smile a nod from her.

"Well, Sebastian did say that a gentleman such as yourself should still learn how to dance if you are invited to a fancy ball" She bit back a giggle "Unless if you want to humiliate yourself by letting others know that you can't dance"

"Augh, you're just as annoying as Sebastian, bloody hell" By annoying, he meant how irritating it is for his two able servants to lecture him about nobility and the most important traditions they do that are not interesting to him, like dancing, attending parties, etc.

"I'm sorry sir, but it is the truth after all" Ciel can only scoff at the older teen before eating his breakfast. Him and Julia did get along as children three years ago before he was educated by Sebastian to be a proper Earl, but ever since Ciel officially became the head of house Phantomhive, Julia did feel a little distant towards him since she started working as his maid. None the less, Julia still cared about him and acted as an older sister figure to him despite their differences.

After breakfast, Sebastian had called all the servants to come into the kitchen for a quick meeting. Four Phantomhive servants, Meyrin, Finny, Bard, and Tanaka stood together in a straight line with Julia joining in, standing beside the glasses wearing maid. Sebastian had brought out a small parchment paper listed with preparations and tasks for today.

"Your task are as followed" Sebastian said "Meyrin, collect and launder all of the bedsheets"

"Right Sebastian!" Meyrin replied enthusiastically, offering the older butler a salute while she is at it.

"Finny, tend to the plants and the greenhouse"

"Yes sir!" The ginger-haired boy said excitedly.

"Bardroy, you will see to the bread"

"Heh, consider it done"

"As for Tanaka" Sebastian looked down to the elder butler's short height who is drinking green tea from his Japanese clay cup "Just do whatever it is you normally do"

"Ho ho ho" Julia giggled at the old man's reply.

"And Julia, you will assist me in polishing the silver"

"Yes sir"

"Now, listen carefully. We are expecting some guest this evening"

Bard flinched at the mention of "Guest" and appears to be excited about it. And that means... "Blimey! You know what that means then. I'll make a special dinn-" He was quickly interrupted.

"What that means is, you three will stay quietly out of sight, and you will not do anything unless you receive my express or orders" The black-haired butler said calmly while smiling that...deadly smile of his that is masking his menacing nature from Meyrin, Bard, and Finny "Key word, quietly" He lightly clapped his white glove covered hands "Now, everybody proceed to your stations!"

"Right!" All three replied before rushing out of the kitchen all at once. Sebastian had let out a sigh, already had a bad feeling that those three will be causing him trouble anyway. Truthfully, it is not surprising that every accident and mistakes happens all the time in this mansion, not to mention how much of a pain it is to clean their mess up and fix what they have destroyed.

Julia had placed her hand lightly on her elder's shoulder in attempt to ease his worries "Don't worry about them" She said while still smiling "If anything goes wrong, I will help" Sebastian relaxed before ruffling the top of Julia's head softly.

"Thank you very much Julia. I really appreciated"

"It was no trouble at all"

-In the afternoon-

Ciel groaned tiredly as he let his face fall into his arms where they lay on top of his desk, feeling indeed miserable due to six piles of paperwork. The piles themselves are like a god forsaken mountain to him, and it felt like it would take years to complete them all. Being an Earl in not very easy at all, especially when you have a ton of files and paperwork to be signed that will constantly pile on your lap no matter how many times you completed them all. Course Ciel would be stuck in his large office all day long, but occasional go out to get fresh air or pick something up in town. It's better than being cooped up in his mansion all day, doing nothing but paperwork and being home schooled.

Oh yes, being home schooled by a few tutors Sebastian would hire, or Sebastian himself would often educate him if the young Earl's tutors didn't make it. The butler's educational demeanour can be...quite scary. Even Julia admitted that she felt anxious around him while being given tutoring sessions whenever Sebastian had some time off. His strict persona can practically scare any young children or youths alike. Julia did end up studying every night before going to bed so she wouldn't have her head being wrapped around about work as a servant all the time. She to needed to be back on track in her education like Ciel.

Sebastian is currently stirring a sweet and rich looking brown liquid within a teacup size mug while Julia brought in more god forsaken paperwork that had been mailed to Ciel. The navy-haired boy sighed irritably, hearing the sound of flapping papers being flopped onto his desk beside his head where he lay still.

"I want something sweet Sebastian" Ciel said tiredly "A cake perhaps"

"I think not" Sebastian replied, carrying the tray that contains the hot steaming teacup sized mug, a cream jug filled with warm and smooth liquid caramel sauce, and a small saucer piled with roasted mixed nuts "Best not to spoil your appetite before your dinner meeting" Ciel however was stubborn to listen, his graving for sugar truly got the best of him due to stress and frustration.

"I said I want something sweet" He complained with a slight whine mixed into his distressed sounding voice. Julia lightly patted the miserable Earl's back, attempting to sooth him.

"I know sir, but try to bare with it a little while longer" The older teen said gently, only to receive a groan from the boy.

The tall youthful butler had placed the silver tray in front of his young master "I prepared some hot chocolate for you. Why not make do with that?" Ciel lifted his face off of his arms, staring at the items presented on the tray. Course, that is not what he is really expecting to have, but at least hot chocolate is sweet. But roasted nuts? How is that a satisfying snack to him? Cake is much, much better. And oh...there is no whipped cream floating on the surface of the hot sweet rich brown beverage at all.

"Where's the cream?" Ciel asked.

"I served it with toasted nuts. And some caramel syrup~" Sebastian replied innocently at the end with that sickening sweet smile to mask his cocky attitude. Julia looked away from the younger teenage boy so that he wouldn't catch her giggling. She did fail to contain her movement since her whole body was shaking a bit from holding in her laughter.

Ciel indeed scoffed, sending both the Michaelis's a dirty look, clearly not amused at all. None the less, Sebastian and Julia just brushed it off and proceed to leave the office. Sebastian had closed the door while he's at it and took out his silver pocket watch with the Phantomhive family crest on it, checking the time.

"Well then. We shall prepare everything to receive our guest" Sebastian said "Are you prepared for this Julia?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" Julia replied confidently, smiling widely.

"Excellent! Let us get started right away, the clock is indeed ticking"


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