Chapter 6

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Ciel and Julia had slit up and search around the main casts' tents while everyone is preoccupied with the circus. Sebastian had to take Wendy's place due to her twisted ankle, so the two young teens are on their own for the time being. Though Julia is there to keep the young Earl safe, the boy insisted that she to needed to investigate as well, and that he'll be fine on his own. She reluctantly left Ciel's side and began searching around Dagger's tent.

So far there isn't anything that caught her eye. Nothing that could be considered "Evidence" that could help her and the young Earl. She did wish that there's some kind of hint that could lead the whereabouts of the missing children. Unfortunately, there isn't any. Though the raven-haired girl did find a simple photo of Dagger standing close beside a middle-aged man with rounded spectacles.

With hope and curiosity, Julia lifted the picture frame off of the vanity to take a closer look. She then turned to look at the back of it. She then let out a quiet irritable sigh as there is absolutely nothing on the back of the frame. She did open it up if there was anything hidden behind the photo, but no luck. Julia closed up the back before placing the frame back in it's place before sneaking her way out of Dagger's tent.

Before she can make her way towards the route that could lead her to Jumbo's tent, Julia froze when she heard someone shouted behind her. At least about ten feet away from her, and she knew that voice belonged to.

"Hey, you!" It was Beast! One of the main cast "What do you think you're doing here!?"

Julia gulped down her nerves, turning to face the older woman while trying to stay calm "O-Oh! Just needed to use the loo"

Beast narrowed her red eyes accusingly at the young teen, not convinced whatsoever "You're in the main casts' area"

"Ah- Yes! I know. Thought I ought take a shortcut through there since I really needed to go!"

"Tch! What? Your stomach not up to bate?"

"Yes. I might have ate something for dinner that made me feel ill"

Julia prayed and hoped to God that her little fib would work. She even hoped that her little act of being sick would be convincing as well. Though she can't help but feel anxious that the woman would see through her lies because of how much she'd been glaring at her suspiciously.

The two stayed silent for ten seconds before Beast let out a short irritable sigh, tightening the wooly cream colored shawl around her that is covering most of her upper body "Fine. But be quick about it, because you're going to perform next in twelve minutes"

"Oh! Alright. Thank you for letting me know!" Julia replied with a fake pained smile.

"Whatever" Beast scoffed before walking off towards her tent.

Once the animal tamer herself is out of sight, Julia quietly scurried away towards Jumbo's tent. She had to take a lot of deep breaths to relieve herself, thanking God that Beast did not see through the young girl's lies. Crises averted, is what Julia thought.

Jumbo's tent too had zero evidence that could lead to the whereabouts of the missing children. Disappointed, Julia quickly and quietly left the main cast area, only to stumble upon Ciel and Sebastian leaving Beast's tent. She made her way towards them as they noticed her approaching.

"Any luck?" Ciel asked.

Julia shook her head lightly in response "Nothing, my lord. Other than seeing the same photo in Dagger and Jumbo's tent"

"The photo of them standing in front of the workshop with the man wearing the ring?"

"Oh! I did recall seeing the ring he's wearing, yes"

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