I'm in art class today, which consists of the whole day. Ms.Hency has us draw our emotions, how we feel deep deep inside. She says that art is a good way to embrace your true feelings about things. So I draw. I don't necessarily focus on the emotion part of the subject, but when I am done you can see the emotion, and it disgusts me.

"Great work Mr.Lioteno, pop more of those drawings out of your head and you have yourself a passing grade in my class!" Ms. Hency says to me as she starts inspecting our drawings, heading back to her desk at the front. I did not even realize that it had been over 30 minutes.

As I look up I see this guy standing at the front of the classroom talking to Ms. Hency. I have never seen this guy before. He has jet black hair, and very cute blue eyes. Can't believe after what I have been through I still find people attractive. Especially after all this time.

"Class, Class! Can I get everyone's attention please?" Ms. Hency says after it seems like she is done talking to this mystery guy at the front of the classroom.

"I would like to introduce a new student joining our classroom, his name is well um-"

"Marcus. My name is Marcus." Mystery guy says after Ms.Hency was so obviously struggling to remember his name.

"Well everyone welcome Marcus. He is from The Refuge. Just came to our community yesterday." As she says "The Refuge", everyone's face stares in shock and sadness. The Refuge just a few weeks ago got over run by them and wiped out all of the 2000 population. My sister was there when it fell, I haven't seen her since she got back the other day, but I'm assuming she survived because our community would be in pure chaos if she didn't.

"Marcus there is a free seat next to Mr.Lioteno. Mr.Lioteno raise your hand please!" So I do. Marcus slowly walks over to me so I start to lower my hand.

I want to introduce myself so I do.
"Hello, my name is Justin. Nice to meet you." I say as I look into his beautiful blue eyes. He just keeps looking straight ignoring my introduction.

"I've been there to too. Don't worry, I know." I say hoping he can see the genuine look in my eyes. But all he does is stare at me, for what felt like hours but was only minutes.

Next thing I know class is over and that's the school day, sitting there drawing all day. English is tomorrow and Math is on Friday, Friday the day I am longing for.

"Hey Marcus can you stay back a minute, you to Mr. Lioteno hold up." Ms.Hency says right before we get up to exit the classroom.

"So Mr.Lioteno... I have been asked by General Juliet to ask you to be the guide of Marcus because he just got to our community!" She says, and I can tell it was a direct order from my sister, not an ask.

"Ms.Hency tell my sister I would but I just got so much darn homework, really bugs the hell out of me and I don't think I can put any more on my plate at the moment. Tell my sister I am sorry. Would tell her myself but God knows when she will be home!" I say , even though I want to hang out with this very hot boy, if it's an order from my sister I am not following it. Last time I followed her order both of our parents died, and our little brother.

"Please Justin. You know it's not a question, take this boy on a tour of the neighborhood. Show him The Infirm and show him The Ration Port."  Ms.Hency says giving me a direct order this time instead of asking. My sister must have been really stern with her.

I don't say anything as I walk out, I think Marcus just takes this as a cue to follow me.

"Your last name is Lioteno. Are you by chance related to General Lioteno? "He asks me.

"Yes she is my sister."

"She saved my life. She was there representing your community when the horde overran my community. We were the only ones to make it." I was walking the whole time he was talking, only stopping in the end when he mentioned he was a lone survivor.

"What do you want from me?  You want me to go tell my sister you said thanks? Because I am not doing that." I say with a little bit of frustration because I have no idea where this is going.

"No, no I already thanked your sister enough. She's the one who put down my family when I couldn't. She saved my life. But that's not the point. You said back there in class that you have been out there to? Is that true?" He asks. I choose not to push much further into him praising my sister but more into being out there. But it was interesting how many times he said, "She saved my life."

"Yes it it true. I was out there for 2 years before finding this place. All alone, well for most of it at least." I say.

Question of the part (1)
——> WYR break your legs or arms?

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