Autocorrect Issues

Start from the beginning

Ryder: Uh, were we talking about a hula hoop?

Tracker: Hula Hoop

Marshall: Are you sleep texting or something, Tracker?

Tracker: No, I'm not

Tracker: It just won't make me type Hula Hoop

Ryder: Okay, I'm confused now

Tracker: I mean what is hi in Spanish

Marshall: Ohhhhhhhhh

Ryder: Oh, gotcha... Now I understand what's going on

Tracker: Si si, it's changing the word to hula hoop

Marshall: No wonder you were treating and we couldn't unconditional

Tracker: ¿Qué?

Ryder: What was that, Marshall?

Tracker: I'm sure my English is right, what Marshall is saying is not making sense

Ryder: Don't worry, Tracker... Your English was never wrong

Marshall: Ugh, it changed two of my words

Ryder: Don't worry! I'll fix it when I get back

Tracker: When are you commercing back?

Tracker: Commercing commercing, ugh

Marshall: Coming**

Ryder: Soon, don't worry... Not for long

30 Minutes Later...

*Online: Everybody*

Rocky: Ryder, help!

Marshall: Ryder, we need you to fix the automotive

Rocky: Autocorrect*

Skye: Ryder, kelp!

Rubble: Help

Skye: What Rubble said

Zuma: Ryder, you need to flick it!

Marshall: Did you mean fix?

Zuma: Yeah

Tracker: Ryder, please we need your help!

Chase: Ricochet!

Skye: What?

Chase: Okay, that was embarrassing

Zuma: Hahaha

Skye: Were you supposed to say Ryder?

Chase: I guess so, yeah

Ryder: Calm down guys, I'm here now. I'll fix the autocorrect, hold on

Tracker: Oh, phew! You're here, Ryder

Zuma: Please stop the Autocad's supreme!

Rocky: Okay, now I don't get that

Chase: The autocorrect is driving us nutella

Marshall: Nutella?

Rubble: Ooh, yum

Rocky: I think he means nuts, not nutella

Rubble: Aww

Zuma: Wait, where did Ryder go?

Rocky: Fixing the autocorrect issue

Chase: Yeah, let Ryder concentrate, guys!

Chase: Wait, It didn't autocorrect this time

Marshall: i'll try saying autocorrect

Marshall: Yes, I did

Zuma: Looks like it's fixed now

Skye: Yup, you can type 'fixed' now

Ryder: Alright, pups... I think I fixed the problem. Any changes now?

Rubble: Yup, mine's not changing anymore

Chase: Same here

Zuma: All fine from here now

Tracker: Todo está bien

Tracker: Whoo! My Spanish is working

Ryder: Tracker, I added Spanish keyboard for you there, so the English one doesn't keep correcting your Spanish

Tracker: Si, yeah, I saw it... Thanks, Ryder!

Rocky: Thank you, Ryder! You saved our devices!

Marshall: Yeahh, and saved all of us from getting a headache

Chase: And high blood pressure

Skye: Huhhh???

Chase: That's real, Skye! Not autocorrected

Skye: Oh, okay... Sorry

Ryder: You're welcome, pups. Whenever you have autocorrect on your keyboard, just yelp for hello

Everyone: What???

Zuma: DId he mean 'help'?

Chase: Maybe?

Ryder: Aw, shucks! I think it's mine that's autocorrecting now.

Marshall: Oops...

Ryder: I'll be right back

Skye: Okay

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