Medal of Honor

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Hey y'all, glad you're back! This is one I find relaxing for some reason. It is kind of long but it's a good one. Let's get started!

Five white stars on a blue background, Medal of Honor just to wear around                                            (Five white stars on a blue background, Medal of Honor just to wear around)

In 1900 at the peking wall Private Dan Daly answered the call                                                                           (In 1900 at the pecking wall Private Dan Daly answered the call)

At the rebellion he took the lead and by himself he did the deed                                                                      (At the rebellion he took the lead and by himself he did the deed)

In 1914 he won one more fighting the Haitians just to settle a score                                                               (In 1914 he won one more fighting the Haitians just to settle a score)

Gunnery Sergeant Daly passed the test he captured and destroyed a machine gun nest                        (Gunnery Sergeant Daly passed the test he captured and destroyed a machine gun nest)

Five white stars on a blue background, Medal of Honor just to wear around                                              (Five white stars on a blue background, Medal of Honor just to wear around)

Butler and Daly each won two making history for me and you                                                                          (Butler and Daly each won two making history for me and you)

As fighting Marines they took control they fought the enemy blow by blow                                               (As fighting Marines they took control they fought the enemy blow by blow)

Pappy won one in '43 splashing Zeroes in the sea                                                                                                   (Pappy won one in '43 splashing Zeroes in the sea)

But Chesty Puller was the best he wore five Navy Crosses on his chest                                                            (But Chesty Puller was the best he wore five Navy Crosses on his chest)

Iron cross on a blue background, five Navy Crosses just to wear around                                                      (Iron cross on a blue background, five Navy Crosses just to wear around)

There is Medal of Honor, I hope y'all enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions of cadences I should do in the future please let me know. Take care and keep marching!

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