12-salt meets wound

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"I don't understand?" I say quietly, she exhales before grabbing the food from the oven and placing it on the table. Sasha, my mom, sits down in front of me  "We are protecting you baby, all we do is for you and your brother" She smiles, grabbing my plate to serve me lunch.

"Isn't dad joining us?" Brian asks, my mom doesn't look at him, just smiles again "Not now" 


I didn't told the girls what my mom told me yesterday, how could I? Hanna already thinks I am spoiled , that I have everything handled to me, which it isn't a lie. Since we fought that day on the woods, her words never left my mind.

"Ava you get high on drugs and your parents don't give you any shit, instead they ask you to go over at the CountryClub and help them sing a new deal."

It wasn't a lie, the side investmentes my parents make, along side with the Hastings, are all they really care about. How our family name will look, and the view it will have on Rosewood.

So there was no way, I was gonna tell the girls I was being protected by my parents.

"Yo, wait up" I call over to Aria and Emily that were walking into school grounds.

"Hey Avie. How are you?" Aria asks me, she looks me in the eyes, her black eyeliner makes her eyes darker and intense stare.

"Me? Nothing, why would be anything be happening to me? I'm just a girl, a Rosewood girl. Nothing more. Why do you ask so many questions  Aria?" I ramble, unable to stop my mouth, I grab the coffee from her hand and start drinking it, to stop myself to say something I will regret.

"I was drinking that" she whispers.

Aria and Emily both look at me confused but soon their attention is turned over to Maya, who walks our way.

"Hi Maya"

"Hi there" Maya greets, joining us "Are you still coming to dinner tonight?" Emily asks her, grabing on to her hand.

"Sure, if your folks still want me to. What should I wear?" Maya says excited, she looks at me from the corner of her eyes "Are you alright Ava" I nood my head, not allowing myself to talk anymore.

"She is on caffeine, a lot of it" Aria says, punching my arm playfully.

"It doesn't matter what you wear" Emily starts, but after a look from Maya she rephrased her answer "A dress".

"Is this some sort of formal thingy, or are you just worried my jeans are too butch?" Maya jokes.

"Don't say things like that, please. They won't laugh" Emily informs.

"We will leave you too, but if you decide to wear jeans iron them" Aria adviced, grabbing onto my arm and lead us to inside the school.

"Okay Ava, what was that?" Aria asks me, as we walk the stairs. I shrrugger, pretending I don't know what she is talking about.

"That's enough" she said, grabbing the coffee from my hands and dropping it on the trash can by our side "Talk now"

"Dam Aria, it was nothing. I just haven't sleept alot lately" I say crossing my arms over my chest, she looks at me in the eyes, trying to spot a lie. Only Ali could do that to me.

"You won't find a lie in my eyes Aria, just forget it" I say walking away.


"Oh Ali is gonna kill me" I say to myself walking inside the younger Dilaurentis room, the rest of the girls were already inside, a bold of popcorn in the middle of them "Hey girls"

liar-Jason DilaurentisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang