8 - Souls

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Is humanity fallen, now that the Darkmoon shows itself? It is perhaps, that the Omen Silence is to blame, or...or are we to blame our own satiations? As Humans, we reached the throne with Isen and the Archhumans, and so we crowned him Holy King. Was this the first sin? The...catalyst to the end? Or is there a bright future in sight and, God only knows, an ending to this long night?

Genesis was the beginning, and now, it could be Andre's end. The Bearer of the Flame cannot die, when he has his whole destiny before him..so this cannot be.

"Lull? Are you there?" Andre speaks, slowly making his way towards the great Pillar of Fire, Silence himself.


"How will you kill Silence?"

"To be honest, I have never killed my own kind..."

"But you do know how? Right?" Andre stops treading.

"All you must do is expose him, and I will do the rest."


After awhile, Andre stands at the wall of flames, and pushes inward.

Inside the Pillar was an entirely different reality. Silence's raging fires had burnt the world itself to a cinders, and only stones remained, burning. Yet, Andre didn't feel any of the heat, Lull had protected him.

Andre, not knowing where to go, looked down, and saw a bright light inside a ruin.

"Will I survive this jump?" He asks.

"Up to you."

Andre takes a deep breath, and steps off the edge of the rocks, falling down into the flames below, and landing on his two feet, longsword in hand. That simple landing, gave him thoughts, acrimonies. But he was alive...in what he could only describe as hell itself. However, he was a light in a world of darkness, he would be like the moon, a bright protector in the night.

He can see the door to the sanctum, the mural still on it. He places his hand on it, and feels a great heat from the other side.

"He's right here."

"How do I open it? The lever is no longer here."

"Hold your sword up close."

Andre brings his longsword up to his face, holding it close, and he watched as a blue deep flame emerged in the steel.

He swings his sword with all his might, shattering the stone door.

And in the flames, he saw a dark knight, burning with hatred.


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"Your friend is gone, that is Silence now."

Andre holds his longsword close as Silence approached.

"You've come all this way? For nothing. Sigor is no longer here."

"I'm here to put you to rest."

"Fool! Do you know of the millions of powerful souls I have consumed!?? I am a God!"

Andre charges, and Silence shortly after, until their two flaming swords clashed with a spark.

"Sigor gave himself up to me, he was weak..why won't you?"

Andre grits his teeth in response, headbutting the Omen and slashing into him, causing him to fall down. But Silence quickly stands back up.

"You are only a child, how could you defy a primordial being?!"

Andre holds his sword to the sky, filling it with Lull's flame, and throws it down, sending a massive wave of blue fire towards Silence.

Silence yells as his flames slightly dulled out, and began to charge towards Andre again with an overhead swing, but Andre deflected and parried the attack, leaving Silence wide open.

Andre looks into Silence's manifested eyes, as he spun around and sliced into the burning knight.

Silence let out a supernatural scream as he exited Sigor's body, and flew towards Andre.

"Use my power Andre!"

As Silence closed in, to burn Andre to ash, Andre held his hand out, and grabbed Silence with a chain of blue fire.

"No! Let go of me Lull! Stop!"

"Your flames are to be snuffed!"

Andre watches as the two flames wrestle, and the world of fire they resided in began to collapse, and he covered his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in the sanctum, restored to it's dark earthly state. At his feet, were two flames, blue and orange.

Lull and Silence.

Andre places his hand over Lull, consuming him once more, and stares down at Silence. He could almost hear him...crying.

"My vows.....what have I done..."

Andre raises his foot to stomp him out.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"My sweet goddess....do not leave thee in the dark..."

Andre stomps on the flame, over and over, until he was ash. Yet, the crying didn't stop. Andre looks to the back of the Sanctum, seeing Eric, a Sigor turned to dust, and his Father's helmet.

Andre picks up the helmet, imagining his Father still in it. He puts it on, throwing his old, charred helmet to the ground, with the ash and the dust, and left the sanctum.

There was a night he was to end.

Omen: The Holy FlameWhere stories live. Discover now