Chapter Ten

Depuis le début

Marcurio grinned. "Great, grab a few cases 'cause I'm spilling a few out there, bud. And, uh, I'll keep Ella company while you're gone."

Ella glanced over at Connor in alarm, who gave Ella a small, apologetic smile. "Nah, Mar. Ella's here with Katie and her friends if you wanna walk her back over there."

Marcurio nodded. "No worries, I'll make sure Ella finds her way back to her friends. You go grab that beer, man."

Connor sighed and exited the kitchen. It was just her and Marcurio.

He grinned, turning toward her. "So, Ella," He drawled. "Got a thing for Holmes?"

Ella shifted uncomfortably under Marcurio's teasing gaze, her cheeks still flushed from the previous intimate encounter with Connor. His question caught her off guard, and she hesitated for a moment before responding.

"No," she finally said, "We're just friends."

Marcurio's grin widened as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Friends? Like friends with benefits?"

"No," Ella said quickly. There was no way she was about to let that rumor be spread around. Katie would have a field day. "Just friends."

The man in front of her sighed. "Well, that's no fun."

She rolled her eyes

Marcurio chuckled at Ella's response. "Alright, just friends it is then. Though I've got to admit, I thought Connor had himself a new girlfriend for the season."

Ella's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "A new girlfriend for the season? What do you mean?"

Marcurio's eyes widened, and he quickly realized he had said too much. "Uh, forget I said that. I might have assumed too much." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Anyway, I can walk you back to your friends if you'd like."

Ella frowned but nodded in agreement. She followed him out the door as he led her out of the kitchen and back into the vibrant party. A group of guys ran past, nearly knocking into her. Marucrio reached out to steady her and gently grabbed her wrist, leading her through the throng of students littering the hallways and front room.

As they reached the living room, Marcurio let go of her and jerked his head in the direction of her roommate. "I see your friends. You might want to head over there fast, it looks like Katie is getting plastered."

She huffed out a small laugh, before thanking him. As she approached the group, Mya turned to her with a worn-out expression. "Have you ever dealt with a drunk Katie?" she asked as if they were old friends and not total strangers thirty minutes ago. "It's awful."

"Shut up," Katie slurred, burying her face into Rae's shoulder. "Maybe you need to lighten up and grab a drink."

"I've had a drink," Mya reminded her. "But not so many that I'll wake up with a massive hangover and be throwing up all day tomorrow."

Katie grumbled something incoherently and sent her the finger.

"That's very nice," Mya said, uninterested. "Very original."

Mya turned her attention to Ella and asked, "So, where's Holmes?"

Ella hesitated for a moment before responding, "He went to grab some beer. He'll be back soon."

Mya made a face. "Wow, sucks to be him. Getting stuck with drink duty."

She nodded in agreement, and they lapsed into a comfortable silence, save for Katie's insistent squirming.

"So," Ella began, "Marcurio told me something interesting."

Mya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? That's funny, Marcurio isn't really that interesting so I'm dying to know what he told you."

Rae snickered.

Ella glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping before leaning in and lowering her voice. "He mentioned something about Connor having a new girlfriend for the season. But then he seemed to backtrack and said he might have assumed too much. I'm not sure what he meant by that."

Upon hearing her words Mya's expression shifted. Not in annoyance like Ella figured she would. Not even in surprise. She looked...nervous.

"A new girlfriend for the season? That's... strange." Her eyes darted to the side.

Ella nodded in agreement, slightly suspicious of the girl's behavior. "That's what I thought too. It's just a bit odd."

Mya shrugged, her expression straightening out. "Well, who knows? Maybe it's just a rumor or a misunderstanding."

"Don't listen to him," Rae added. "He's had a few drinks tonight and he probably doesn't  even know what he's saying at this point."

Ella considered Rae's point. Marcurio's words could indeed be a result of alcohol-induced chatter at a party. She relaxed slightly, her curiosity tempered by the possibility that it might all be baseless.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Ella said, letting out a nervous laugh. "It's easy to read too much into things, I guess." She glanced at Katie who was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Ella," Mya said, a forced smile on her lips. "Would you mind grabbing me another drink?"

"Oh sure," Ella said, grabbing the plastic cup sitting on the side table next to her. "I'll see if they still have anything good."

Ella stood up and wove her way through the partygoers

As she reached the makeshift bar, another man was already standing there trying to catch Marcurio's attention. Ella nearly bumped into him, and her cup wobbled precariously.

"Whoa, careful there," the tall guy said, his voice smooth and deep, as he steadied her cup. Their eyes met, and Ella felt a sudden jolt of surprise. It was Lysander.

His eyes widened.


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