"You captured me wholeheartedly, became my rock and confidant and our love grew so much over those years together. We had so many firsts and new experiences yet it was easy. So easy that I didn't realise how lucky I was to find you so soon in my life. Being with you was so natural. You were the first person I spoke to in the morning and the last person I spoke to at night before I closed my eyes and I took everything for granted. I thought nothing could come between you and I. It was not until you left and we were separated that I realised what a huge part you played in my life and how much I needed you. You brought so much happiness and joy into my world, that when you were gone I felt like you had taken half of my heart with you. You had opened up something so deep within me and yet it was that, that has made me who I am today. You taught me how it was ok to be myself, how to love and know what real love was and how it feels to be loved in return and for that I am grateful"

God, it didn't take long and the tears are already falling. Louis holds my gaze as he squeezes my hand in comfort.

"As you said your thanks to me, I also want to thank you Harry, for giving Evan to me. For sharing a piece of yourself with me and making me a father. Having Evan allowed me to live again, to feel a bond so strong. I grew in strength with my love for him made with love from you. Raising him to be the perfect boy he is today was easy because I had already learned so much from you and how you are, that I knew I wanted our little boy to be like his daddy. To love fully, to be strong and fierce, confident and independent. To treat people with respect and kindness, for him to have all those qualities of his dad that I admire and love so much. You are a fantastic dad to our boy Harry and I want to tell you how this past year, I have watched you grow as a parent and I am so proud of you. The love and support you give to Evan daily and the way you nurture and teach him to grow, I feel blessed that it is with you that I share this special boy with. To know how much you care and love him as much as I do and as much as we both love you equally in return"

The sob comes out before I can stop it. To hear Louis talk about Evan and how he sees me as a parent. It hits hard. The fact I could have missed all of this and yet now I have it all and even when I doubt myself. To hear Louis talk so openly and lovingly, hearing him say I am doing a good job means the world to me. For him to say Evan as having my qualities, when actually Louis doesn't realise that all of those are him too. This strong beautiful boy standing before me, so brave and fearless. To be a single parent takes strength and courage and yet he thanks me for it. I can't even comprehend what I am feeling. The respect and love for this boy is bursting out of my chest. I know its not the time but I need to. I pull him into my chest and wrap my arms around him, whispering thank you in his ear.

Louis pulls away leaving a kiss on my cheek as our hands join together again

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Louis pulls away leaving a kiss on my cheek as our hands join together again. I wipe the tears from my face, giving Louis a nod, letting him know to continue.

"The journey we have been on already through our life has already challenged us as a couple, yet working through our hardships, the obstacles we have faced, we have come out stronger. I have bore witness to the biggest growth between us, and what I thought was unbelievable back when we were kids, finding our way in this world, is nothing compared to how we are now. Our relationship is so full of more love and support than I could have ever dreamed of, and with the utmost of kindness, respect, trust and loyalty I promise to stick by your side through any other challenges that we may face as we take this journey and create this wonderful life together"

Always Forever (me and you until the end) Part 2 Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now