Chapter 4 - The Meeting

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Smriti animatedly recounted her conversations with various players. Her enthusiastic chatter filled the air but seemed to fade into the background for Rudrakshi.

Rudrakshi's thoughts were preoccupied with one person—Virat Kohli. Since their conversation during lunch, her mind was filled with the memory of their interaction. During the lunch, she had the opportunity to sit across from Virat. She couldn't believe how comfortable they were while conversing. His humility and the way he seamlessly blended into the gathering left a lasting impression.

Bidding heartfelt goodbyes to her teammates, Rudrakshi embarked on her journey to the airport. Upon her arrival, the unexpected camera flashes momentarily blinded her. Swiftly navigating through the crowd, she entered the airport, finding the sudden attention perplexing.

Inside the airport, the flashes erupted once again, and this time, the security personnel moved forward to guide none other than Virat Kohli through the bustling crowd. Rudrakshi, in the midst of checking in, observed the gathering around him. In a fleeting moment, their eyes met before security ushered him forward.

Rudrakshi's journey back to Mumbai unfolded with a symphony of warmth from fellow passengers and the cabin crew. Looking out the window, the city lights of Mumbai twinkle, offering a serene welcome.

Exiting the airport, Rudrakshi was greeted once more by the chaos. This time around, her twin brother, Vedaksh skillfully guided her through the crowd. As they approached the waiting car, he excitedly exclaims, "Oh! Dekho di, Kohli bhi aa raha he waving at us?"

I wish I could just teleport everywhere.

Unmoved, Rudrakshi, visibly exhausted, didn't even turn to look. The car becomes a haven of familiarity as they traversed the city.

"How was your flight, di?" Yet, Rudrakshi, seeking solace, simply responds with a tired smile and drifts into a peaceful slumber. He sighs as he notices exhaustion marred her otherwise calm face. The loss of the world Cup must have taken a brutal toll on her.

With a playful scowl, he muses, "Amma will go on a health freak show for at least ten days, you should have taken care of yourself di" The thought of their mother's scolding brought a lighthearted touch to the otherwise quiet car.

Awakened by the sudden jerk against her seat belt, Rudrakshi, in sleepy irritation, strongly slapped her brother's arm.

"Ouch! This is what I get for being your bodyguard!" Vedaksh grumbled while taking off his own seat belt, "No! Don't sleep again Kumbhakarni! We're home,"

She grumbles, reluctantly shaking off the remnants of her rest. Unfastening her seatbelt, she heads to retrieve her cricketing kit, leaving her brother in charge of the suitcases.

"This is child labour, di!"

Late into the night, with the society area eerily quiet, Rudrakshi leaned against elevator for her brother to catch up.

Maybe I should just leave him in the parking lot.

As they approached the familiar door, a glow emanated from the entrance. There stood her mother, holding an aarti thali delicately in her hands, eyes fixed on the arrival of her daughter, a large smile graced her face. Her eyes shimmered like diamonds welled up with tears as she watched Rudrakshi step towards the embrace of home.

Maternal instincts kick in as she mentally assesses her daughter's well-being.

She looks tired, the journey must have been exhausting

Yet, amidst the fatigue, there's a sense of relief and happiness that envelops Rudrakshi, on reaching her family.

As the aarti completed, Rudrakshi melted into her mother's hug. She dragged her along as they walked into the home together.

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