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Luo's mother watched Yan'er prepare the meal and went to Yan'er's room to call Xue'er and Xiaohan to eat. When Luo's mother arrived at the door, she saw Xiaohan standing at the door. After asking Xiaohan, she learned about Xue'er. The child is resting.

Luo's mother asked Xiaohan to wake up Xue'er for dinner. She did not enter the room, but turned back to the kitchen to help serve the meal.

Xiaohan said: "Okay, madam." After watching the lady leave, he entered the room and went to call the lady to get up.

When Han Xue heard Xiao Han calling her, she sat up and was dazed for a moment before she realized what she was doing. Her husband was no longer in the room, and her stomach growled. Han Xue touched her stomach to see if she was hungry.

Han Xue didn't dare to confirm and asked Xiao Han: "Is dinner ready?" She was still asleep when Xiao Han spoke just now, so she didn't hear what Xiao Han said clearly, but she knew her name very clearly.

Xiaohan replied affirmatively: "Yes, Miss, please get up quickly. Madam just came over to ask us to have dinner. Madam asked me to call you and then went back." Mother Qian

? Your husband didn't come?

Han Xue: "I know."

Han Xue knew that it was her mother who called her to eat, so she got up much faster than before.

When Han Xue and Xiao Han walked to the door of the living room together, they were watching their husband and mother put food on the table. Her husband has been busy with work, so Mum Qian must have called her after seeing her husband's meal ready.

When Han Xue entered the room, she was pulled by her mother to finish cooking first, while her husband continued to be busy getting the dishes and chopsticks.

Xiaohan saw that Master Luo had been busy and stepped forward to help, and then everyone sat down to have lunch together.

While eating, Luo Yan asked her father and mother what they should prepare for going to her daughter-in-law's house. Mother said that according to custom, a pair of roosters are required, but they can't lay eggs and can crow. It has an auspicious meaning. You can also buy pork. My mother reminded me that you have to have double portions. Luo Yan said she knew.

My father said that you can prepare both tobacco and alcohol. After listening to it, Luo Yan had a rough idea of ​​what kind of things could be given away.

After dinner, Luo Yan asked someone to boil hot water for use in the evening. Luo Yan also arranged the rooms one by one, and Luo Yan and her wife stayed in this room to rest.

The four men, Xiaohan and Cangdong, all went to the new house to rest. The boys shared a room, and Luo Yan's room was vacant.

After arranging the room, Luo Yan and Han Xue washed up early and went to bed to rest.

Luo Yan fell asleep not long after lying down. After a tiring day, Luo Yan slept deeply that night.

Han Xue lay on Luo Yan's bed and looked at the sleeping person. Wasn't this person worried about going to his own home when he returned home in the capital?

Han Xue gently and slowly touched her husband's tender chin and neck, and gradually began to feel sleepy. Han Xue raised her head and kissed her husband's chin, then closed her eyes and rested.

Luo Yan got up relatively early the next morning, but she could already hear people doing things outside. Luo Yan was very happy. During her time away, everyone had developed a working habit.

Luo Yan did not go out to greet anyone who came, and Luo Yan did not know who was outside. Luo Yan walked to the table, sat down, and began to write down the things she wanted to bring to Han Xue's house.

According to what mother and father said, a pair of roosters should be prepared, and a pair of ducks should be prepared. Each person in the Hanxue family will be given a pair of pastries and food sold by his family according to the number of women in the Hanxue family. Wine, cigarettes, cloth, and silver jewelry; just make two cakes and take them, but I don't know if there are children, or how many children there are... Luo Yan's number has not been determined, and she looks at Han Xueluo who is sleeping soundly. Yan planned to wait for her daughter-in-law to wake up and ask about the situation before deciding.

Luo Yan didn't plan to bring the pork, but wanted to buy two piglets and take them there.

Luo Tian felt that he had almost finished writing the general content, so he put down the pen and went outside.

Mother is already in the kitchen, seeming to be making breakfast. Luo Yan smiled at her mother and went to wash up first. The yard had been cleaned.

After arriving in Jiangmi County, Luo Yan quickly ordered Xiao Xu to invite Wen Liang and Wen Liang's father Wen Zhengye. When Xiao Xu left, Luo Yan specifically reminded Xiao Xu to ask Wen Zhengye to bring the store's land deed and store documents.

Taking advantage of Xiao Xu's free time to invite Wen Zhengye, Luo Yan talked to her father and mother about many issues and asked them to think about it together.

On the way to Jingmi County, Luo Yan suddenly remembered the good method her mother had thought of, and thought it would be very good to let her elders join in.

The only problem that needs to be solved is to recruit people to do the work. This matter is not very simple. Although the reputation of the store opened by Luo Yan has been established, the quality of the people who can actually do the work still needs to be seen to know. .

As the number of people increases, how to manage them becomes an important consideration.

No matter in this place or in my original world, good talents are hard to find. As she earns more money, Luo Yan clearly knows that if she wants to sell more complicated things, her hands cannot be as casual as they are now!

Luo Yan briefly talked about the matter without going into details. On the one hand, Luo Yan didn't know if her father and mother could fully digest her words.

Hanxue also joined the meeting, holding a brush like her mother to record the many problems that Luo Yan said may be encountered in the future, as well as the many problems that need to be considered and solved currently.

When the discussion was almost over, Luo Yan saw Xiao Xu inviting Wen Zhengye over.

Luo Yan whispered that Wen Zhengye was here and went straight to greet him. Wen Liang also came, carrying... on his back? A wider school bag.

Luo Yan first chatted with Wen Zhengye about the store and gave the store's money to Wen Zhengye. She also asked Wen Zhengye if he had a larger vacant store, and Luo Yan sincerely said that she would need one in the next few days.

Luo Yan also asked Wen Zhengye about buying a house. After hearing this, Wen Zhengye thought about it for a while. He had a vacant store in front of the store. As for the house, Wen Zhengye and Luo Yan said that they were not very clear. They could ask Luo Yan their friends. If they had any information, they would tell Luo Yan immediately. Yan.

Luo Yan was very happy after hearing this. With Wen Zhengye's words, Luo Yan knew that the other party would definitely help her.

After talking about the shop and house, Luo Yan continued to talk to Wen Liang and asked him how he was studying these days. How is your current level of painting? Is there any rise and so on?

Wen Liang listened to the master asking himself question after question, and he really almost fainted.

Wen Liang: "Master, I have basically completed the homework you left for me. I still need you to take a look at the details, master." Luo Yan smiled and said, "Well, don't be nervous." Luo Yan checked carefully


Wen Liang's homework was completed, and about 80% of the homework assigned in the textbook was completed. Looking at the content of the homework, Luo Yan could clearly see that Wen Liang's understanding of the knowledge in the book was still very basic.

Luo Yan suddenly realized that she was really correcting homework. In fact, that was what Luo Yan was doing now.


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Good night~

Keep updating~

Come on at work, and so do you who are working and studying~Come on!

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