I still dont know how I managed to do it but we left the hotel on time, yes I know ON TIME is impressive for me, at 7:30am after I was given my mocha iced coffee

We managed to be through security with our bags checked in by 9, and in the lounge area outside our gate at like 9:30 after getting a bit lost somehow 💀

dont even ask, Kevin and Joe basically lead half of us to a tram that went between terminals and then decided oh lets get off at the next one to wait for the other half that got stuck because the doors closed, and then they didnt wait for us so we were seperated for like half an hour and then it happened to be that they got off at the wrong terminal number anyway so that was chaotic

Once again there was a ton of papparazi but this time i decided I didnt care, I was honestly too tired to care

I still messaged Riley during the hour wait since it wasn't even night yet for him


J: Hellooooo

J: how is my fav person in the world doing today

R: i am wonderful now that i'm talking to you

R: would you like to call darling?

J: I would love to 💜

*call incoming from 🩷Riley🩷*

R: so whats on the list for today

J: well we're going home today,

and I'm sitting next to Nick so i get to sleep

R: how exhausted are we on a scale from 0-10, 

10 being gonna fall asleep

J: probably a solid 8.5, I'll last until we get in our seats

R: you need to sleep more

J: you need to be here with me, i miss youuuuu

R: I want to be there with you, you know I do

R: buutttttt I get to see you in just over a month when you come back home, 

and I'll never leave your side that whole week

J: yayyyy. agh what time is it 

i think my exhaused scale has gone up to a 9 now

R: just stay awake a little bit longer,

its only 10:15 london time so you'll board in like 15mins or something like that

J: okkkkk at least i can talk to you. 

so whats the big plan for our first date

R: its a surprise

J: please tell meeeeee

R: nope you have to wait or it ruins it. 

but you get to know the week your here you get to meet Nico 

J: Nico's already my child, we go way back

R: omg we already have children thats crazy

J: cat children>>>> 

but like really Stella was petsitting for you guys when you went somewhere

and I helped take care of Nico, he loves me

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