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Amir POV

I drove to her hostel to pick her up,but it seems like Yusuf beat me to the race, he showed up before me.

Yasmin had a big smile on her face, she was laughing at what ever Yusuf was saying, so I drove away.

Yasmin POV

For the past few days now Amir has been acting a bit weird. Always giving excuses when ever we are meant to meet up. When he comes to take me to class he doesn't say much.

I was walking to class when I heard a car horn. It was Amir, he parked beside me.

You didn't wait today? He asked.

You don't always show up" I angrily said.

He came down from the car walking over to where I stood.
He opened the door for, I glared at him first before entering.

Look Amir am tired of all this attitude and cold treatment you're giving me" I said as he entered the car.

He didn't say anything.

I'm human and I have feelings, all this you are doing to me is affecting my mental health. Is this how we are meant to be?
I don't like us like this" I said.

He still didn't say a thing.

Talk please, you are not deaf I yelled.

Keep calm please, the thing is that it seems.... he started I got angry not even letting him finish what ever he had to say.

I got out of the car not even hearing what he had to say walking away.

Yas! Yas! He yelled behind me.

I was really angry.

Hey princess, Yusuf called.
I turned to look at him .

You look pissed off" he said.

Yeah I am" I said walking away. I wasn't in the mood for any conversation now.

Class began.

When class ended I went to use the toilet.
When I came out ,Yusuf was there.

What are you doing here I asked him.

I came to see you , you were off when i saw you then "he said leaning close.

Yh, but I'm fine now"


He moved closer, our lips just an inch away. His hands where planted on the wall at each side of my head trapping me completely. I trembled in fear. He smashed his lips on mine kissing me slowly, I returned the kiss. He placed his left hand on my hips while his right fingers rested on my jaw. I wanted more of his touch.

Yasmin! I heard Amir yell.

I quickly pushed Yusuf as I came back to reality.

Amir walked away. I stood quietly confused.
What have I done.

Yusuf held my hands. I'm sorry he muttered.

Don't touch me" I yelled.
I pulled his hands off walking away to find Amir.
What will I say to him.

I walked round looking for Amir or his car, but I didn't see him or his car.

I tried his number, he wasn't picking up.
Please Amir am sorry I said to myself.

I sat down tiredly, I searched round for him .
The sun was setting, the earthmostphare was getting dark.

I sat there hopeless.
My phone began to ring, I hurriedly picked up thinking it was Amir not even checking the name.

Yasmin where are you? It's getting late girl , I heard Tracy's voice.

I'll be there shortly I said putting the call to end.

I walked slowly and tiredly.

I sighted Amir's car parked in the park. I stood up with a little hope walking as fast as I can, but by the time I got there he was gone.
I wasn't hallucinating, I'm sure I saw the car.


Yas are OK" Ummi asked concerned.

Yes I am, I'm just tired I replied tired.

I changed to my night wear, prayed, then went to bed.

Next morning

I waited at the front of my hostel praying Amir will show up.
Was I stupid, definitely Amir wouldn't show up after what happened yesterday.

I had class by 10, so I enough time to search for Amir.

I walked and walked until I sighted his car, he wasn't inside the car.
He'll be somewhere close definitely" I to my self.

And yes I was right.
Amir was seated with a fair lady.
They seem to be engrossed in their conversation. I boiled in anger.

I wondered what Amir said that made her laugh so loud revealing her perfect set of white teeth .

I walked to them. Amir glare at me.

Amir can we talk" I said ignoring the fair lady.

What do you have to say to me? He  firmly said.

I'm sorry please hear me out" I pleaded.

After classes, he uttered standing up. He took the lady's hand and they left.

I was really angry.

Went for classes.....

Amir POV

I was done pretending everything was fine. I'll have to end this.


Your lovely writer Jay-lila 😍
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