I Get an Aston Martin

Start from the beginning

We wandered through the railway yard, thinking there might be another passenger train somewhere, but there were just rows and rows of freight cars, most of which were covered in snow like they hadn't moved in years.

A homeless guy was standing at a trash can fire. We must've looked pretty pathetic because he gave us a toothless grin.

Homeless Guy: Y'all need to get warmed up? Come on over!

We huddled around his fire; Thalia's teeth were chattering.

Thalia: Well, this is g-g-g-great.

Grover: My hooves are frozen.

Percy & Theo: Feet!

Bianca: Maybe we can contact camp. Chiron—

Zoe: No. They cannot help us anymore. We must finish this quest ourselves.

I gazed miserably around the rail yard. Somewhere, far to the west, Annabeth was in danger. Artemis was in chains. A doomsday monster was on the loose. And we were stuck on the outskirts of D.C., sharing a homeless person's fire.

Homeless Guy: Y'know, you're never completely without friends. You kids need a train going west?

Theo: Yeah? You know one headed there?

He pointed one greasy hand.

Suddenly I noticed a freight train, gleaming and free of snow. It was one of those automobile-carrier trains, with steel mesh curtains and a triple-deck of cars inside. The side of the freight train said SUN WEST LINE.

Thalia: That's...convenient. Thanks, uh...

She turned to the homeless guy, but he was gone. The trash can in front of us was cold and empty, as if he'd taken the flames with him.

Theo's POV

An hour later we were rumbling west. There was no problem about who would drive now because we all got our own luxury car. Zoe and Bianca were crashed out in a Lexus ES 350 on the top deck. Grover was playing race car driver behind the wheel of a Lamborghini Murciélago while Percy sat next to him in the passenger seat. And I was sitting in an Aston Martin DB9 with the saber-toothed tiger cub lying contently in his lap while the radio was playing.

Thalia: Mind if I join you?

I shrugged, so she climbed into the passenger seat.

I had connected my iPod to the car radio and played my music. Right now, it was playing Mockingbird by Eminem.

Theo: The Nemean Lion wasn't the monster we were looking for, was it?

Thalia: Not even close. We've got a long way to go.

Theo: Whatever this mystery monster is, the General said it would come for you. They wanted to isolate you from the group so that the monster would appear and battle you one-on-one.

Thalia: He said that?

Theo: Something along those lines, yeah.

Thalia: That's great. I love being used as bait.

Theo: Any idea what the monster might be?

Thalia: (shakes her head) But you know where we're going, don't you?

Theo: Somewhere in California. That's all I know.

Thalia: You're somewhat right. San Fransisco, to be exact. That's where Artemis was headed.

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