Episode 3: Zombie Bob

Start from the beginning

In the common area.

Perry sets down flag in the middle of the room and hums fanfare "Welcome to the United Republic of Perryland" Perry says.

"That's it she freaked out, it's time to
take her to the mental hospital, I knew this day would come" Harper pushes Perry, she hits Harper's arm.

"yeah,I know I'm gonna regret this, but what's Perryland?" Leo ask.

"And why does this flag have a cow on it?" Bree says "That's an ox. Know your meats. When I went to pay the garbage bill, they told me you'd never registered the island as a country, so I seized the opportunity. As of today, you're all second-class citizens of Perryland" Perry says.

"What!? That's nonsense!" Harper says, Perry takes the official charter and puts it on Harper's face "This is the official charter. Read it and weep" Perry says.

Bree takes the official charter "You expect us to believe that's real?" Leo says "Oh, it's real. Just ask my muscle" Perry says.

She blows whistle and a group of men in camo come marching in "This is bad. This is very, very bad" Leo says.

"What the heck is this Terry?" Harper says "Who are they?" Bree ask "They're on loan from a tyrant friend of mine" Perry says.

"Oh no no, give me that!" Harper says taking the official charter.

"you can read it over and over again, you'll never find a loophole in this document" Perry laughs "there's always a loophole!" Harper says.

"not this one, this is bionic worm proof!" Perry laughs "So, did you find something yet?" Leo says "no" Harper says.

"read it again!" Leo says "I read it and reread it like 8 times! There's nothing on the lines or between the lines!!" Harper says, Perry laugh.

"Now, join me in singing the Perryland national anthem" Perry says she clears her throat and the soldiers salute.

"Oh what's going on?" Harper says impatiently as Perry sings the Perryland anthem.

"When did you have time to write that?" Leo says.

"This is how it ends, Perry controlling everything first the island and then.....the world just because I couldn't find a loophole in this damn official charter" Harper says desperate.


in the Mentor's Quarters, Leo,Harper and Bree walk in to discover Perry completely redecorated the room to fit her own tastes.

"Ahh my eyes! that's a lot of visual clutter!" Harper says putting her hand to her head.

"You cannot just come in here and take over our home" Bree says "Of course I can. In Perryland, Perry does whatever Perry wants" Perry says.

"Okay, look, you may own the island, but we still need to sleep in our capsules" Bree says.

"Fine. Because Dear Leader is a compassionate goddess, you may recharge your robot batteries right before bedtime,except for you because your weird sleeping machine had a small change" Perry says.

"What? What did you do with my capsule, Terry!?" Harper angrily asks "I needed a fridge freezer, who knew it fitted like a glove" Perry laughs "You turned my capsule into a REFRIGERATOR!?" Harper says even more angrily.

"into something like that, And FYI, I changed the lock on that door, so you're gonna have to buy key cards from me. They're twenty bucks each" Perry says "What?" Leo ask "That's insane!" Bree says.

"uh..Hey hello! And me?, where should I sleep now?" Harper says "You give it a way, your boyfriend can share his with you, or you can still sleep there if you don't mind sharing space with my meats" Perry says.

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