It led to a closet. A FUCKING closet! Who puts a closet in an office area?? And who the fuck puts a lock on a closet?!

"YOUVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME" I screamed, no one could hear me, there was no repercussions to screaming, hell, even Caines curse filter didn't work here

I kicked a bookshelf in my anger "FUCK" that hurt a lot more then I expected it too

"It's okay, calm down Jax, you're fine, we need to keep checking more doors, we need to." I started talking to myself

"It's not FUCKING OK I've spent YEARS trying to find the door, YEARS and the ONE door it opens is to a FUCKING CLOSET!" I screamed back at myself

I backed myself onto a wall and started sliding down it, until I finally hit the floor

Yk the cliche ass thing all characters do before they start crying or having a mental breakdown, I know you know what I'm talking abt

"Stop talking to yourself Jax, you're going crazy, just calm down" I said, trying to get my breathing to slow, but to no avail

"Just c-calm down I-it's fine it's Alr-alright we'll find the exit soon, we will" I said trying to reassure myself, as my breathing kept speeding up

"Just fucking breathe, why can't you fucking breathe, why can't I breathe?!" I said, the panic in my tone becoming more evident as I realized I couldn't breathe anymore, it wasn't a matter of hyperventilating I genuinely felt like I couldn't breathe anymore

"Just...calm.....down" I told myself as I tried to regain control over my breathing

"You can't pass out, just breathe, in, out, in, out" I instructed myself, which helped an odd amount

"Ok, this is fine, we'll come back tomorrow with more keys and keep trying to find the exit, just... don't get your hopes up when the door gets unlocked." I told myself

Having finally gathered myself I stood up and began to retrace my way back, I keep all the doors open so I know which way to go, and the final door never leads back to part of the circus I left in, it's usually somewhere different.

I made it to the final door and I opened it... the door out was apparently right in front of kinger

"Sup crazy" I said nonchalantly, leaving before the door looked out of existence

"Where'd that door come from??" Kinger asked, sounding very confused

"What door? I just walked in here" I said, hoping to gaslight him

"Oh, my mistake, ooOooo is that an insect collection?" kinger spoke before wandering off

'That was easy' I thought to myself

All the keys were starting to get heavy so I decided to go back to my room to drop them off before walking around some more

Apparently no one had even bothered to come find me for dinner since that had apparently already passed, I wasn't going to eat anyways but it still bothered me that no one cared to look

I brushed it off and went to go find others to pester, other me hadn't been doing much of that recently

I felt my alter ego take place of my normal self ao I just kept walking around so I could find someone he could annoy

"Well well well, if it isn't my favorite soggy lampshade!" I said to zooble

"The BLEEP does that mean?" zooble said sarcastically

"Dunno, interpret it how you wish😁" I replied

"Why are you here again?" Zooble asked

"Ouch, your best friend can't be around you without a reason? really hurts my feelings" I said

"Who the BLEEP said you were my friend? I don't even like you your a BLEEP" zooble said

"Awww that might've been the nicest thing you've said to me😁" I said cheerfully, whilst inching closer to zooble

"What are you doing?" They asked

"This" I said whilst yoinking one of their arms and throwing it across the circus

"YOU BLEEP" zooble yelled before stumbling off in the other direction

"Don't lose your leg!... Again!" I shouted behind her in a snarky manner

"Well, I feel accomplished for the day, time to head back to my room" I said, talking to myself once more, I really hope that won't be a permanent habit I picked up, it makes me seem crazy

On my walk back to my room I thought about whether I'd actually sleep tonight, or rather explore the exit space Caine created and try to find the real exit

'I think I'll take the latter option' I decided when I made it into my room

I'd have to wait until "lights out" and then I'd sneak out and find the exit door, wherever it may be

YAY sudden inspiration so there's. A slight chance I'll get another chapter out today, I was going to add next chapter onto this one but I think this chapter works best ended here

Jax angst (The Amazing Digital Circus)Where stories live. Discover now