Breaking News pt.1

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Nikki's POV

I held my breath as I hit send

I hopped that summer saw my message but at the same time I was super nervous on how she'd respond once she saw it

After about a week of all the shit that went down I couldn't take it anymore and told my boyfriend Gelo the entire story.

Everything from the plot against summer to the schemes that we had already went through with

Gelo was pissed that I even took part in half of the shit

I think he was more upset at the fact that we were conspiring against his brother of all people

He was so pissed off that he told me to stop telling him anymore details and walked away from me

Gelo: "I don't even know why you told me all of that" he scoffed as he came back into the living room

"I just had to get it off of my chest"

Gelo: "you need to tell summer"

"I don't have her number"

Gelo: "I'm sending you her Instagram" he said as he looked down at his phone

Once I got the message I texted her and told her everything from the very beginning

Hey summer..I know you don't know me and you have no reason to believe me but I used to be friends with Ana.
Her and Karin are planning something..I don't know exactly what it is anymore since I've stopped talking to them.

I think I should probably start from the beginning or nothing I say would make any sense to you whatsoever.
A few years 2 or 3 Melo had liked a post of yours that had popped up on his explore page.

Ever since then the algorithm started placing your pictures on his page and as you could imagine Ana didn't like that.
It didn't help that you're also friends with Jayson and were always with him all over the basically seemed as if the word was throwing you into Melo's face.

At the time I had reassured her that you were just some girl on the internet and that Melo didn't really have any access to you so she had no reason to feel the way she did.
I even tried to downplay your looks to make her feel better about herself and for that I apologize because even though you weren't around to hear it that was really mean girl of me and that's not my character at all.

The day Melo met you face to face at the game was no accident or coincidence. Ana had reached out to Karin and made it seem like she liked Karin's style just so she could get friendly enough to invite Karin to the game.
Ana told me her original plan was to invite Karin and have Karin invite you so she could intimidate you enough to stay away from Melo.

At the time I didn't understand what the point of that was but I didn't try to stop her. Her idea didn't go exactly as planned because Jayson was brought along too and according to Ana you were flirting with him the whole time.
I was told that she thought you were a couple which is why didn't press the issue but apparently somehow you and Melo ended up having a conversation.

That night all hell broke loose; him and Ana got into an argument because she couldn't stand the fact that he had even spoken to you.
I wasn't told what the conversation was about nor did I care to ask but for whatever reason she's had a personal vendetta against you since then.

  Ana befriended Karin hoping that she'd spill secrets about you that Ana could use against you to make Melo less interested in you. I didn't understand that either because he honestly wasn't interested in a relationship with you at that time.
  The only information your friend had to offer was that she was a million percent sure you and Jayson were secretly sleeping with each other.

  Without proper proof..well any prof at all Ana came up with a new plan which was to get her friend Saelor to spy on you guys and report back whatever she saw.
  In the end she didn't see anything and also came back empty handed. That was my final straw with them because it was starting to get really weird.

It's like her life revolves around Melo even though he's told her he didn't want her anymore. I'm not exactly sure if you and Melo are officially together or if you guys are just seeing where things go but I want you to know that Ana isn't going to go down without some sort of fight.

I currently date melo's brother Gelo so I'm quite familiar with the family and how things run around here.
I've already told Gelo everything I knew and he told me that I should let you know

I'm sorry I didn't come clean about this sooner

I sighed as I turned my phone off

My nerves were shot at this point and I honestly felt so bad for this girl

These past few weeks have really had me in a whirlwind

On top of me being sick and not feeling well the guilt had been eating me alive

Gelo: "so how'd it go?"

"She hasn't read it yet" I said nervously

The nerves were giving me a headache

Gelo: "your head still hurts?"

"Yeah. I think all this drama is really starting to get to me."

Gelo: "if you don't feel any better in the morning we're going to the ER"

I rolled my eyes before getting up
And walking to the kitchen

I was beyond starving and the food that I cooked earlier was now making me sick to my stomach

Maybe I had a stomach bug

After like an hour and a half my head was pounding and I just decided to lay didn't help

"Gelo!" I called out once I seen him walk past the bedroom

Gelo: "yeah?!"

"I think I need to go to the ER right now" I said as I held my head

Gelo looked super concerned but took me to the hospital without asking any question

It didn't take long for me to get seen

I sat on the edge of the bed in the ugly ass hospital gown as we waited for the doctor to come back with some sort diagnosis

Nothing could've prepared me for the news I got and I don't think Gelo was prepared either

"There's gotta be something else" I said In disbelief

Gelo just stared at me

What the fuck am I gonna do?

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