Set Up Pt.2

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Ana's POV

"So that's it? We're really over?" I asked as I sat across from Melo

Let me tell you how I got here...

About a week after he kicked me out he called me and apologized

I accepted his apology and we've been spending time together ever since

Yesterday I found out that he was friends with that whore again and I debated if I should say anything or keep my mouth shut

As much as I tried to ignore the fact that she was in my way again I couldn't.

I brought it up to him today and he was pissed as if I was the one in the wrong

He basically told me that who he was friends with was none of my business anymore

I was beyond confused because we were just fine yesterday and now he's yelling at me

I went downstairs to let him cool off for like an hour before going back up to his room to continue the conversation

I wish I hadn't because I overheard him on the phone complaining about me

I couldn't hear who was responding back to him so assumed he had his AirPods in

He was telling whoever he was talking to that he shouldn't have listened to them and that I wasn't worth the trouble I came with

My feelings were crushed beyond repair once I heard him say that if he had known what he knew now then he wouldn't have gotten with me in the first place

"Melo?" I said as I knocked on the door

I heard him tell somebody that he'd call them back before unlocking the door

Melo: "I thought you left" he said plainly

"I was waiting for you to cool off so we could talk like adults" I said as I walked into the room and sat on his bed

Melo never sat down

Melo: "there's nothing to talk about" he shrugged

"The way you blew up at me when I asked about your friend is definitely something to talk about"

Melo: "I don't owe you an explanation for anything I do anymore"

"As long as you're fucking me you actually do"

Melo: "then that stops now"

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

Melo: "I'm tired of doing this with you"

"Doing what?"

Melo: "arguing."

"We wouldn't have to argue if you'd just be mature about shit"

Melo: "mature? Ive been a damn adult for like 3 years; you've had like 12 extra years of experience" he snapped before covering his mouth

"Real fucking funny" I said as my eyes started water

I just shook my head and walked downstairs to get my stuff

Melo: "wait, Ana im sorry" he said  as he followed me downstairs

"No you meant what you said" I cried as I put my phone in my bag then stormed out

Fuck him!

Just as I was leaving Gelo was pulling up

Gelo: "what's wrong with you?" He asked as he got out of his car

"Your stupid ass brother is-"

Gelo: "right. Forget I asked" he said as he walked past me

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