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He and the man now almost arrived at the house but the man stops on his tracks and tanjiro looks back and gave him a confused look to him "before we go in there mind you that you still look like your a demon and not a human at all"

Tanjiro looks down at his arm with those sharp nails and he almost forgot that he was a demon now, he look back to the man and ask "how do I disguise my self as... A human?" He didn't want to mention on why did the man have not said anything on tanjiro when he still look like a demon back there, he didn't want to start any trouble with the man now to be honest

"Figure it out your self" Tanjiro stare at him in disbelieve cause what the fuck was this man planning on to him "b-but... Muzan-sama I don't even know-" "Figure it out."

Okay tanjiro was not about to make the man mad at him again and slice his face off like about an hour ago.

He now try thinking on how to make himself look 'human', he was thinking the stuff like how he used to look like before well... He became a demon. He tried remembering that memory where he was looking at the river for seeing his own reflection since they didn't have mirror in their house

He then feels a bit of tingly sense, he open his eyes and look down on his arm to see his nails aren't long anymore and it look more like his finger last time "hmm... You're quite the fast thinker aren't you boy?" The man said with the scent of amusement, tanjiro was a bit relax from the scent because that means the man is not going to be angry anymore

"Now let's get going before 'Tsukihiko' family got worried" The man said as he walks now and with tanjiro following in the back a bit confused again since he doesn't know who's this Tuskihiko person is supposed to be but he guess its the man disguised name

When they arrived they were greeted by a women and a child that was waiting at the front door seeming excited to see him "welcome back Tuskihiko-san!" Said the women "otoo-san!" Said the child while hugging the man

For some reason it gave tanjiro the worried feelings when the child hug him like the man could've kill her at any second... But he knows that the man wouldn't do that since his using... Them for something

"Oh dear, who's this young man Tuskihiko?" The woman ask and then the child is looking at tanjiro too, he feels really uncomfortable now...

"Oh I forgot to tell you that I have adopted this kid to be our son. Poor kid was all alone when I found him at his abandon house, but now I can finally tell you that he will be with our family" Tanjiro was disgusted of the lies that he just made right in front of him

"I get to have a nii-chan!?" The child eyes sparkling with brightness, she then hugged tanjiro in the leg (since she's short), tanjiro was startled at that but he gave her a genuine smile he always gave to people "are you my onii-chan!?" Said with excitement in her voice

Tanjiro than grab her into his arms and carry her "yup! Nice to meet you I'm tanjiro. What's your name little one?" He was actually feeling really relax and the little girl reminds him of his sister hanako... Oh how he miss her

"Im haruka! I'm so happy I can finally have a big brother!" She hug him with her arms around his neck, he smile and hug her back

"Aww, how cute you two are" The women said and she come closer to tanjiro and introduce herself " My name is rei but you can call me okaa-san if you like to, tanjiro-kun" Rei said with smile on her face

Tanjiro nodded and smile at her "well now that you guys have meet him how about I have a little talk with him just the two of us for a while" Tanjiro stomach drop. Is the man mad at him? Did he do something wrong??

"Come,tanjiro" The man said waiting in front of the other room now

Tanjiro put haruka down and gave her a small wave before going to the room the man have called him, the door is shut now and his heart beat is moving faster, he close his eyes and just wait for something happen to him

He open his eyes to see the man plum red eyes in front of him, he flinch back at that "you didn't come up with a fake name... And you just told them your real name, tanjiro"

Tanjiro body intense and blood suddenly is coming out of his nose and mouth, he can't move his arms to cover the blood his body have decided to froze

"You've disappointed me, tanjiro. i thought you were smarter than this... But I perhaps was wrong about that, didn't I?" The man glare at him and tanjiro still can't move at all

"If you make any mistake again I will not hesitate to punish you more worse than this, understand?" The man is now holding tanjiro face to make him look at his eyes "y-yes, muzan-sama..."

He let go of his face and his body is now unfrozen and he quickly move back away from him, he touch his face just to touch no blood at all now

"Tell them that you prefer to go by as your nickname and think of a name before telling them so" He then left the room leaving tanjiro alone in that room

'Oh kami... How can this day get worse' now his thinking of name for his disguise as um.... Okay how about he goes by 'Akio', he thought it's nice name since the meaning is 'bright, clear' and he is quite the bright and clear person so why not go by Akio

He go out of the room now a bit relax and he saw haruka that looks like she just waited outside for him "onii-chan can we draw together? Please??" She said and he of course accept that "sure, Haruka-chan but just a reminder to call me Akio if you want to say my name, okay? " She look at him a bit confused but nodded "okay nii-chan! Now let's go do drawings together!" She quickly drag him to her room and he gave her a giggle and just let him get drag by her




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