she was all alone

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Nezuko woken up with a pain in her chest and her arm. The last thing she remember from last night was her family getting killed and her brother getting kidnapped by that demon man. She knew that the man is a demon since no human beings can do that and she remember what saburo Ojii-san told her on the description of a demon is, poor saburo Ojii-san families tho

And she somehow survived those deep cuts from that man and she somehow still managed to have consciousness when her brother was getting kidnapped

She tried to go in a sitting position while still holding rokuta in her arms

Oh how she really feel sorry for her baby brother died at a young age and she can't protect him at all

She then just breakdown and let it all out. She can't handle this anymore she just wish this is just a nightmare and her family lived a good life like they used too

She have been in that sitting position and holding her dead baby brother in her arms for hours and she haven't stop crying at all

Suddenly she heard a footsteps coming to her. She look around to just see the man now in front of her

The man have dark blue ocean eyes, tied up black hair, and a haori that looks to be different haori that got sew together

"Im late... I'm sorry" Said the man looking down on me. He looks like he doesn't show much expression at all after saying that

"Let me tell the kakushi to come here and take care of your wounds" The man said and he then call a name and a crow appears?

He then crouch down to give me some water

"W-wait who are you-?" She asked with my raspy voice

"Tomioka giyu, I'm from the demon slayer headquarters and I'm here to help you after I failed my mission as a... Hasira"
He sounded like he didn't want to say the last word

"Oh... Wait demon slayer? You mean you guys kill demons?" Nezuko was a bit shock that theres people that were able to kill demons and also headquarters?

"Yes our duty is to kill demon and protect humanity"

Nezuko have been thinking for a while when she get this new information " Can i-i join the demon slayer?"

The man look shocked by the request she made

"Why? Why do you want to join the demon slayer corps?" The man said in serious tone

"I want to avange my family and save my b-brother from getting kidnapped by that... Demon" She said with shaky voice now

Tomioka look concern on what he just heard "what do you mean your brother got kidnapped by a demon?"

"Well last night when i was still conscious i remember that man... Well demon, took my brother and said something but i cant hear them very well as he go to the woods where i just saw he carry my brother and then disappear to a... Shoji door?" She was confuse on this new things she just learn

"What does the man look like"

"He uh.. Was wearing a western type of outfit? And he have red plum cat eyes and he also have a curly black hair?"

As she was saying the description of the demon she saw Mr tomioka-san writing it down on a paper and the crow... Is um just stayed at his head

"Thank you for the demon description I will report this to the demon slayer corps and if any slayer saw this demon that took your brother we will inform you" He said while tying the paper to the birds leg

"Um Mr tomioka-san you didn't answer my first question" she mention him this so he didn't forget

"Yes but are you willing to take the chance on this dangerous path where many demons can and will kill you?" He said with serious face

"Y-yes! I will and I will protect the innocent people that are in danger! I will risk my life for them!" She said with loud and clear voice now

The man nodded and said "go to mountain sagiri and search for an old man named urakudaki sakonji after the kakushi have arrived here and take care of you and your family"

She nodded 'I will get you back nii-chan! I promise! And I hope you guys rest in peace now okaa-san, rokuta, shigeru, hanako, takeo'

After the kakushi arrived and took care of everything, nezuko changed clothes and prepared herself for her new journey and also took care of her wounds while at it. Mr tomioka-san took his leave while the kakushi arrived

She prayed for her family first before going, after that she went to search for a man named urakudaki sakonji

She has been walking for hours down the mountain with her chest hurt and arm too, but she took her break time when she needed to. She also have been buying a little snack for herself so she won't starve on the road

"You're looking for mountain sagiri? Oh you have to go up that hill tho and it's pretty late now, are you sure you want to go there in the darkness young lady?" The nice lady asked her

"Yes and thank you for the information!" She bows down to her

After walking that felt like many hours she finally made it up the hill and it's night already, She feels tired as well but then she saw a small cabin with lights emanating 'oh! A small cabin, I can ask them if I can rest here!'

She ran a little bit to the cabin but then she felt something was off

As she was walking closer to the cabin she smelled blood coming from there 'wait whys there blood scent?'

She rushed to the cabin and open the door and saw a demon eating a whole family inside there...

"What... Hey... This is my territory. I won't forgive you if you destroy my feeding grounds" The demon said with blood dripping down his mouth

"Hey... You could be my new meal for to night too" The demon said while smirking at her

She moved her legs quickly to dodge the demon but the demon was too fast, it grabbed her hand and throw her to a tree

'Ouch... My back hurts now and my arm...' She tried to put herself in a sitting position then standing position but she was struggling since she was thrown

'Shit how do I kill this demon... I don't even have anything to defend my self with me... Kami please protect me' nezuko and the demon now look at each other.

I'm done goodbye I'm so tired fucking school god

Upper moon zeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora