stuck in a weird place

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Tanjiro is extremely confused about where he is at right now. As he was trying stand up he noticed something was off... He looks down to his hand and they look different...?

He has sharp nails now 'I don't remember anything about me having sharp nails...' he brushes off the weird thought of what happened to his nails

His now looking around, it seems like his inside an empty tatami room?

He noticed that there was a shoji door in front of him, he walked slowly to the door but as he tried to open it he noticed the door wouldn't move?

Tanjiro now was struggling to open a shoji door. He has been doing this for about a minute but now he accept that he can't open the door

He was thinking of kicking the door down but he wasnt sure about it, but there's no other option than that now. As he was ready to run and kick the door down he heard a biwa sound? And now his in another room... 'How did the room change?!'

He quickly look around the new room to see man standing in his back- 'AH-' he back away and almost fell but his arm was caught by the man, he look up to see who's this man and it's... Wait it's him!!

He quickly backed away from him when tanjiro noticed who the guy was "my my it seems that you remember... Most demons who transformed forget who they are... Interesting..." The man walked towards him slowly and Tanjiro backed up again he was not expecting to deal with the murderer of his family again...

"Stop" The man demanded and tanjiro stops 'Why did I stop?!?' He began to panic because why did he suddenly stop as the man ordered him

"Are you seriously haven't figure out why you're acting like this boy?" Tanjiro looks at him confused "w-what do you mean..." The man then come closer to him and glare him with that red plum cat eyes

"You're a demon, child. I've turned you into a demon last night and now you have to obey me as I say" He began to laugh, tanjiro was now more panicking 'How did I became a demon?!?' He thought it out loud

"Well to answer that question I simply injected my blood inside you while you were struggling to be freed from my grasp boy" He said, tanjiro was more shock now. He began trembling because of how much his panicking right now, oh how he wish this was just a nightmare...

"Now I want you to change your outfit because you look poor in that" Tanjiro look up to the man now "n-no! I won't change my outfit! And I won't obey your stupid orders-"

In the blink of an eye he notice his mouth has now been cut off

Tw blood



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"if you don't want to do as I said I will kill you" The man said glaring down at him

Tanjiro was still in shock that the pain hit him later on and now his on the ground confused on what to do but then the pain suddenly disappeared as his chin grows back...

'Huh... HUH!?!' he then touch his chin as he didn't just imagine that his chin just grew back

"Your generation is fast... Very interesting... " He said while smirking, tanjiro look up to him again and he now sweat more and backed up again

"Nakime bring us to my office" Said the man and now they're in different room... Again

Tanjiro looks around to see a... Fancy looking room?? (He doesn't know what an office is since he lives in a village far from the city) he sweats more because the place looks very different and new

'Uh??' He looks down to see clothings

The man threw him an outfit, he flinched for a second there "wear that and hurry up we're going to be going somewhere" He then left the room and now his alone here...

He looks at the outfit again to see what it is, it looks like it's a kimono,hakama pants, and a... Western outfit? Should he really be wearing this...

'Hurry up tanjiro'... That man's voice just rang in his head... How... Okay he just gonna change real quick now (he didn't want his head to be sliced off)

After what felt like hours he finally done with wearing the outfit. He looks at the mirror inside that man's office to see he kinda look good in it... But something is bothering him now... His face is covered with marks that look like flames and his eyes have changed, it looks like that man's eyes.. He have the same eyes as him

A biwa sound appears again and now his outside and it's night time "what took you so long" The man glared at him

It made tanjiro shiver "i-im sorry! I won't take so long again!" He bowed down at him

The man now just stares blankly at him not giving any expression at all "you can call me muzan-sama or master"

"Hai! Muzan-sama" Tanjiro was sweating hard now because he doesn't want to make himself get killed in place by him

The man smiled at him and gave him pat on his head 'is he... Trying to give me comforts?' He really felt awkward at that

"Were going to go to asakusa and I want you to disguise as my son" He said to tanjiro

"Uh... What do you mean by that muzan-sama?" Tanjiro ask nervously

"It means you have to lie to people and pretend as another person,boy" Tanjiro was shock at that...

"Don't disappoint me in this, child. If you do then I'll be punishing you by beating you up or perhaps torturing you" Tanjiro is silent now... He didn't want to say anything that can make the man mad at him

He was scared... Oh how he wish this was just a bad dream and he could wake up in his house with his family...

'Okaa-san, rokuta, hanako, shigeru, nezuko, otoo-san' he looks down while holding his tears back

"Don't be a crybaby, be glad that you survive and now you serve for me"

Tanjiro glared at the man after he just said that cruel thing to him...

Muzan, you are a being that should not exist.



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