Dating Doesn't Suck When You've Got A Dylan

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Minutes into their first date, Halle and Dylan had begun planning dozens more. Bowling, Roller Skating, Movie Marathons, Amusement Parks, Mini-Golfing, and Shopping (Dylan had admitted to needing a whole new wardrobe) were just a few of their ideas. And over the span of a few weeks those and many, many more were completed.

They got along famously! From the way they piggybacked off each other's jokes and could debate about anything for hours . . . Halle had found her match. And though she didn't know it, Dylan felt the same.

Their most current idea was Karaoke. Surprising, since Dylan didn't seem like the singing type, but he was actually quite good. The reason the crowd cringed, though, was because of Halle. Her voice was anything, but good. Dylan didn't mind, his eyes stayed trained on her face throughout the song.

Even when it ended with a high note Halle barely managed to belt out he only laughed, squeezing her shoulder in a side hug.

"I've heard much worse, if you can believe that,"

Halle scowled, but didn't deny it.

Since that had been their fifth song and the time was late, when Dylan suggested they go home, she quickly agreed.

Halle hadn't realized how tired she was until she was struggling to keep her eyes open in the passenger seat of Dylan's car. It was only when he turned up the volume on the radio and the soft buzz of it sounded so much like a lullaby that she gave into sleep.

When Halle awoke she was laying in her own bed. Her memories were a sleepy blur, but she assumed Dylan had helped her to bed.

She stayed still for a moment before she remembered it was Saturday and she pulled out her laptop from the drawer of her nightstand. Her desktop was opened to Youtube, more specifically on Dylan's channel. A channel which she'd watched obsessively since the moment he'd revealed his profession to her. His videos made her like him all the more. They were absolutely hilarious and the most entertaining thing on Youtube, but somehow he was ever more hilarious and entertaining in real life.

Halle was almost positive she'd developed laugh lines, but she hardly cared. She never laughed as much as she did with Dylan. Dating had always been a bore for her, then she met Dylan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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