Harry Potter Glasses Are Slutty

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Every summer Halle Nelson returned to Wisconsin as proof she still lived. Her family—her mother specifically—believed she would fall deathly ill anytime she lived anywhere, but in the room across the hall from her parents. And after nearly seven years of living in Punjab with her estranged aunt, Saira, she had returned once again (and with no incurable diseases) to ease her mother's anguish, but only for a summer.

While it annoyed her, she still felt a smile bloom anytime she remembered her mother's worry driven antics. Halle's father was the one who worried little about his daughter's life. He was much more trusting of the city, Punjab, than his wife, who'd been born and raised there. But while Halle had missed her parents greatly over the last nine months it was her brother, Sam, she had wished everyday to see. And it was her brother, Sam, that she was driving twelve miles above the speed limit to see right then.

The breaks screamed and she scarcely managed to stop the car when the light flashed red. Halle blinked, clearing her vision as her eyes darted to the map on her dashboard. She still had a good fifteen minutes till she would see Sam. Till she would step onto his lawn. Till she'd knock on his door and tackle him into a hug the moment he answered. Halle grinned just thinking about it.

The minutes stretched into a string of mumbling curses and complaints about slow cars. Until a digital woman's voice said: "You've arrived at your destination."

Across the lawn in seconds, Halle, rapped her knuckles across the door. In a series of long seconds she took a moment to admire her brother's porch and his lawn. And his neighborhood! Everyone in here must have been using some sort of magical water, Sam included, because the grass was a blinding shade of green. Halle wouldn't have guessed green could be blinding, but here she was, squinting at a lawn.

The door swung open and Halle's head snapped back and her eyes locked onto Sam. She broke into a wide grin, mirroring his own.


His arms wrapped around her. For a moment the world fell away as she and her brother hugged. They stayed like that until Halle pulled away and put her hands on either side of his face. He looked happier and tanner than the last time she'd seen him. How Sam had managed to tan in the winter? She didn't know. But gosh it was good to see that smile again.

Halle had been going in for another hug when Hart Meyer, Sam's oldest friend, filled the doorway, forcing Sam to take a step onto the porch.

"Halle! It's great to see you. I suppose I should invite you in since your brother can't be gentlemanly enough to do so himself," He snickered at his own joke. "What would Kaylee think, Sam?"


Hart captured her wrist and tugged her inside before she could give this mystery girl another thought. He brought Halle to the living room where a group of three people—two males and one female—lounged on the couch. An American sitcom played on the TV, but it lost their attention when Halle appeared before them with Hart at her side and Sam at her back. Of the people in front of her she recognized only one: Peyton Wade (another longtime friend of her brother's). The other two were complete strangers. The male was tall and thin; his blonde hair was parted down the middle and as I took him in he smiled at me and pushed his round glasses up the bridge of his nose. The female looked similar to the male. She had curled blonde hair and large green eyes. Unlike the male (her brother?) she was petite, but just as thin.

"This is Dylan," Hart pointed at the tall man. "That's Kaylee, Dylan's sister." Ah! So they were siblings. And she supposed she knew who her brother's mystery girl was now.

Sam stepped forward so that he stood beside me. "Dylan's a friend we met a couple months ago and through him we met Kaylee. Peyton, you know, of course."

Peyton lifted his hand in greeting and gave Halle a happy smile. As handsome as he was, and while on other occasions her gaze would have lingered on his face, she couldn't stop herself from glancing at Dylan. His mouth was wide and his teeth were perfectly white and straight, he was laughing at what Kaylee had mumbled. Something danced in Halle's belly as Dylan looked at her and his eyes wandered her body. She felt itchy from the heavy weight of his look.

Halle gritted her teeth. Men she'd just met weren't supposed to have that effect on her! Men she had known for years had never been able to make her skin heat like that. Glancing away, Halle furrowed her brows and joined the conversation between the others. Resisting the urge to keep from looking at Dylan proved to be harder than anticipated. 

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