Movie's Should Only Ever Be Watched With A Beer In Hand

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The week that followed the dinner was a blur of Dylan, doing anything and everything slightly entertaining with Sam, and chronicling her life from the past year to her mother. She tirelessly tried (and failed) to banish Dylan from her mind. Wherever she went, Dylan went as well, contained within her thoughts.

Halle has seen the man everyday since they'd met and it wasn't nearly enough. She desperately wanted to know him better . . . to know him intimately. Though she'd deny it internally because she deemed it too soon in their relationship to be feeling these sorts of things.

Ha! A relationship. They hardly knew each other.

Lost within her own head, Halle had forgotten where she was. Plopped on a grey couch with Kaylee. The click of the remote was a constant sound as Kaylee browsed the TV for something to watch. Sam had encouraged her to bond with her, so here they were, but Halle was being a terrible conversationalist. Instead of getting to know Sam's girlfriend she was fantasizing about his girlfriend's brother.

Poor Kaylee looked as if she was racking her brain for something to say.

"Small talk sucks, huh?"

Kaylee laughed and exhaled loudly, "It's terrible. I'm a real estate agent and the amount of it I endure . . . well, I should honestly be better at than I am."

"I can imagine!"

"And how Dylan and I are related is a true mystery. He can strike up a conversation with anyone about anything and still manage to keep them interested," Kaylee gave me a side smile. "He's a party favorite, that's for sure. Plus the guy's hella funny."

Halle returned the smile; she wanted to ask more about Dylan, but she didn't want to make it obvious she was interested. She wrestled with whether to ask a question or not when Kaylee spoke again.

"You know, you're all he can seem to talk about recently," Kaylee said wonderingly.

Her heart stopped and began to race until Halle was struggling to even out her breathing. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he's borderline obsessed with you," Kaylee glanced at me nervously. "He asks Sam about you constantly. He's never been the subtle type so the guys know that he's into you."

Halle didn't speak.

Kaylee was biting her lip. She ran her hands along her jeans as she watched Halle. "I'm sorry Halle. I shouldn't have said that. We're supposed to be getting to know each other. I shouldn't be telling you how my brother wants to date you!"

Words failed Halle.

"God, do you look shocked! I'm so sorry," Kaylee looked miserable. "Why would I think that's an acceptable thing to tell you?"

"Does he really?"

"Does he, what?" Kaylee asked. Then she realized what Halle had been asking. "Yes."

With a laugh Halle said, "Well good thing I return the feeling!"

Eyes still wide Kaylee slowly smiled. "Well isn't that nice to hear. He'll definitely be happy about that."

The women laughed and subconsciously leaned closer towards each other. There was another click of the remote before a movie was playing on the TV.

"Since the topic of my brother is already up, I've got an idea. When watching movies, Dylan and I drink beer. How would you feel about us doing the same?"

"I'd love that."

Kaylee leapt from the couch and left for the kitchen. She was back within seconds, two beers in hand.

"Here's some advice, Halle: Movies should only ever be watched with a beer in hand."

Sam had good taste. Halle was going to like this woman. 

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