iv. denial denial

Start from the beginning

As for Sirius Black, he was currently sat in the Gryffindor Common Room with James. Remus had been called to Professor McGonagall's office for updates on prefect duties, and Peter was in the library doing work. Although, Sirius began to wish he had followed Peter to the library for a few dull hours of work rather than sit there with James, given the topic of conversation.

   "You're seriously going to go all sixth and seventh year without telling Remus that you fancy him?" James lifted a cigarette to his lips as he sat by the open window overlooking the school grounds.

   "I feel like you're the wrong person to be getting onto me about this," Sirius sighed, not bothering to sit by a window and instead smoking his cigarette in a squashy armchair, slouched so far that he may as well have been laying down.

   "Lily and I are making... progress," James defended, pointing his cigarette at Sirius.

   "Right," Sirius chuckled. "And I don't fancy Remus, anyway."

   "Oh, bullshit, Padfoot," James scoffed, getting down from the windowsill and standing in front of Sirius, blocking his view of the unlit fireplace. "You stare at him like a lost puppy - no pun intended. It's almost pitiful."

Sirius rolled his eyes and hung his head back, taking a long draw from his cigarette and watching the cloud of smoke as it formed before dissipating. He didn't deny James' claims any further.

   "Doesn't matter anyway, he seems to have his eyes on the Slytherin princess," Sirius grumbled.

   "As do you," James pointed out. "Honestly, I don't know what you guys see in her. She seems like a right handful."

   "I don't like that stuck-up prima donna," Sirius quickly denied, sitting up abruptly.

   "Oh, Merlin, will you deny everything that I say?" James sounded exasperated, sitting in the nearest armchair. "Don't act like you're above liking the girl. You two were obsessed with each other - from third year to fifth year. It was difficult to watch. The constant teasing, the insults, your awful attempts at flirting-"

   "I think my attempts were fine."

   "Sure they were, mate. Besides the point... What was my point?"

   "A shit point about how I supposedly like Remus and Dominique."

   "Right, and you believe Remus likes Dominique?"

   "It's difficult to tell with him, but not impossible," Sirius started, holding his cigarette between his index and middle finger as he began to lean forward. James instinctively did the same, listening. "Had any other Slytherin come up to him and asked for help with studying, he'd have said no. Remus is a lovely lad, but Slytherins? Not exactly fond of them, is he? But Dominique is a pretty girl-"


   "Fuck off, I'm not blind. She is very clearly a pretty girl and Remus sees that too. And he's too reserved to make a move on her but does he look at her - a lot."

James pursed just lips, taking one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out. He had noticed Remus' shy and lingering gazes, and how he seemed to mentally psyche himself up before talking to Dominique in potions. However, that last point may just be due to the fact that Dominique is extremely intimidating.

For James, it was hilarious. Observing Sirius watch Remus, and then Remus who watched Dominique. But also, Remus watching Sirius. He didn't bring up the last one in this conversation, wanting to see how things played out. He did like a little bit of chaos. As for Dominique, he could never tell what that girl was feeling.

Dominique was incredibly difficult in all possible ways.

Speak of the devil, James happened to look out of the window just as Dominique walked across the school grounds with Kathryn, the two seeming to be in a deep conversation. Kathryn managed to spot James all the way up in Gryffindor tower, grinning before waving up at the boy. Sirius joined James at the window, cigarette between his lips.

She is awfully pretty, Sirius thought as he observed Dominique - even if he could only see her from afar. Insufferable, but so pretty. James glanced at his friend and held back a snicker, stepping away from the window.

Kathryn began to walk away but paused when she realised Dominique hadn't continued walking with her. Dominique was still looking up at Sirius, although she couldn't really see his face. She could see the smoke in the window, and his shaggy dark hair, but that was about all.

Dominique stuck her middle finger up at Sirius, her gold signet ring reflecting in the sun. Sirius removed his cigarette from between his lips and smirked, sticking up his own middle finger. Dominique hated the fact that a small almost broke out on her lips, quickly leaving before she could internally scold herself further.

Those horny bastards can't hate each other for more than five minutes, Kathryn thought, glancing up at the window before following after Dominique.

word count : 1406

·̩͙✧ AUTHOR'S NOTE ! ━━━

my updates are so slow - my bad.

my updates are so slow - my bad

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