"How bad does it hurt?"

Commander chuckled, "I thought you didn't even notice it!"

Medic scoffed jokingly, "Oh please! My job is to make sure you dummies don't die on your reckless escapades! It's an instinct at this point to figure out what wounds you guys hide!"

"Can't get away with anything can I?" he smiled, closing in on her face and gently pressing his nose against her's.

She grinned smugly, "No. Not really!"

They both turned around when they heard more incoming footsteps. The slim silouette of Scout popped up, waving a little eager 'Hi' towards an even more relieved Medic. The adults quickly pulled him into their hug, Commander ruffling the boy's hair playfully as Medic began to check him over for any injuries.

Sinister passed by them swiftly, more soldiers peaking in from the staircase to see what the commotion was about. Medic wasn't the only one who recognised the jeep his brother and the Tower leader had taken. The Titan looked behind said vehicle rather reluctantly, a part of him somewhat scared as to what he might see... The Towers were here... But what about his family...What happened to- they couldn't have left them... Could they-?!
He stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell on his brother and nephew.
Fallen was sitting on the ground, back against the door, breathing somewhat heavily as Grave appeared to have been comforting him over... Something? Is-Is he hurt? Is it bad-? What on Earth happe-?


The deep voice of his slightly older sibling broke him out of his trance. A small soft smile adorning his brother's face welcomed him to seat with them. Sinister walked over, seemingly composed about the situation, his face still, but as soon as he was at his brother's eye level, looking over the bruises...he cracked. Tears ran down his face as he lightly tackled Fallen into a bear hug at a moment's notice. The older Titan rubbed his back gingerly, trying to soothe him akin to the way he used to do it when they were children. Fallen gave Grave a cheeky wink upon seeing him worried, which made the boy laugh. The second he heard his nephew's voice, Sinister turned around, placing a firm grasp on the kid's arm. Grave stopped, staring back at his stern faced uncle, part of him fearful that he might be in trouble. Sinister shot him one of his iconic mischievous smirks as he pulled Grave into his and his brother's arms. The boy laughed at the two held him down into their hug.

"Think ya' can escape this? Huh, kid?!" teased Sinister, tickling his nephew's side.

Grave pleaded between his laughter,

"That's watcha' get for running away, ya' lil' troublemaker!"

Grave barely managed to push himself away from his uncle's high jinks, prompting Sinister to try and hold onto him. In his struggle to catch his nephew from escaping, Sinister went to stand up, accidently nudging Fallen's side with his ellbow.


The two abruptly paused, Grave immediately kneeling back to his father's side as soon as he realised what had happened. Fallen applied pressure to his wound trying to surpress the pain, quiet gasps for air escaped his lips as he bit back a scream. Sinister hadn't seen his brother in such agony in a very long time and it was not a pleasant sight by any means...it always freaked him out. Ever since they were young, he hated seeing his brothers in any sort of pain, but he knew Fallen was far more sensible. Father made sure to scold him for it each chance he got.. Even mere training sessions with old 'Master would sometimes leave Fallen limping, he was more prone to harm and illness and that would scare him to no end... Sinister felt himself start to panic a little even now as he stumbled over his words, "Shit-! Fallen-! Are ya' o-ok? What- What's wrong!?"

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