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My first class of the day is math WHO DOES THAT. This just proves that teachers don't like us because why would they torture us at 8:30 in the morning. Anyways when I got to class I sat close to the back and started getting my stuff out. As I was getting settled in two girls starting walking up to me one white with blonde hair and blue eyes with sharpish features and the other was black with brown eyes and she had softish features.

"Hi. Are these seats taken?" The blonde girl asked. Before I could even answer she and her friend sat down and started getting their notebooks out. I guess I should try to make some friends here.

"My name is Cassandra and that is Simone" Said the blonde.

"I'm Delilah." They looked at each other before looking back to me.

"So you're Delilah, hows my brother been treating you? I'm Sebastian's sister." Said Cassandra I didn't know that Sebby has a sister but I did just meet him yesterday.

"And I'm Dominick's sister let me know if he starts acting like an ass I will set him straight." She said it so seriously that I believed that she most definitely would.

"I will but I don't think Dominick will be the problem he made me breakfast this morning. Sebastian on the other hand though is an ass." That made them laugh.

"He can be an ass sometimes but the more he gets to know you. He will open up more and only occasionally be an ass." Said Cassandra and Simone nodded her head in agreement.

"Let me see your phone." Simone said and I handed her my phone she then passed it to Cassandra and after a moment she passed back to me.

"We added are numbers if you ever need us to come beat up are brothers. Or an emergency trip to the mall you call us." Said Simone. It felt good to have friends here and not be alone for once.

"We are adopting you into are friend group Delilah Jones. But you have to answer a couple of questions before we officially become a trio." Said Cassandra. I could tell that they were joking so I played along and put on a serious face.

"Number one Do you read and if you do what is your favorite genre? a. Fluffy Romance b. Dark Romance c. Romantasy d. Dystopian or e. All of the above." Said Cassandra Obvious answer.

" All of the above." I said confidently and I saw there heads nod in appoval.

"Okay Lana Del Rey or Arctic Monkeys." Simone gave me questioning look.

"Lana Del Rey." More head nods.

"Last question hypothetically would you join something like a mafia or would you become like a doctor?" I don't understand why they were asking me this question but definitely mafia.

"I read dark romance for fun I'm thinking mafia." Out of nowhere Cassandra gave me a hug.

"YOU PASSED WE CAN BECOME A TRIO!" Cassandra practically shouted and Simone started hugging me too. We sat there for a good minute hugging just as we let go of each other the professor came into the room he looked to be in his fifties.

"Good morning my name is Professor Snape and don't even start with the. Harry Potter jokes or I will be contacting you doms." There were a few snickers coming from the back of the class and either Snape didn't care or he didn't hear them. He got right into the lesson the first few questions were pretty easy. 30 minutes into the lesson I was trying not to fall asleep. I looked over at Simone and Cassandra and they looked bored out of their minds too. 

"Do wanna skip?" I asked them I already knew this stuff I had good grades at my old schools I had to my daily routine was study,get beat, school, repeat. Grades are not what got me kicked out my behavior was.

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