Act 1 Part 5: Goodbye.

Start from the beginning

Kara looked at the unconscious Becca with concern before gazing back over to Roman through teary eyes, wondering what he was going to do to them.
"You won't be staying long, your daddy gives us Shel and we give you back, simple as that," Roman spoke, looking to her as one of his men kept a gun pointed at them.
She sniffled, curling up beside Becca as she looked up at him.
"Daddy would never give back Shel, h-he's gonna save me and Becca" Kara replied with tears in her eyes.
"Right, that man only cares about your survival, we saw how he reacted when he realized you were in danger," Roman spoke confidently.

Bill hopped in the truck and began to drive after everyone got in, driving as quickly as he could.
Vanessa was loading her gun as Bill drove, remaining deathly silent as she regretted not having killed the raiders from before, narrowing her eyes.
She hoped Kara would be okay, she had to be okay.
Russel looked between Bill and Vanessa, concerned for the both of them as Bill drove the truck.
"...So, what's the plan?"
"Take down anything standing in our way of the kids," Vanessa replied blankly as she continued to load her gun.
As Bill continued to drive, looked over at his wife.
"That is not a plan hun, we find them, and we get both of those girls back. No matter what, injure them so badly they wish they were dead."
Vanessa nodded, staring at the raider camp ahead of them, glaring at the men as she sighed.
"I just want our baby girl back safe and sound."
Shel looked down, taking a deep breath as she readied her weapons.
"...I'll try to bargain for both Becca and Kara. If there's any chance he'll be willing to take me in their place, maybe we could keep bloodshed out of it altogether."
"Becca needs you, we're not doing a hostage swap, even if he would go for it," Vanessa replied.
"Hell no, we aren't losing anyone. If we're not leaving Kara, we're not leaving anyone," He replied firmly, parking in the woods as he grabbed his assault rifle.
"Let's move, we're gonna surround this place. Vanessa, you go with Vince. Russell, you go with Shel. I'm going up front, and I am going to be the last thing this bastard sees."
She nodded, quickly readying her weapons before turning to Vince.
"I'll be right behind you," She spoke before quickly following Vince, keeping herself ready to attack.
Russell nodded, standing beside Shel with a determined look.
"Be careful, last thing we need is you getting hurt. Signal us if you need help."
Shel looked up at Bill with concern, nodding a bit as she added, "Don't underestimate him. You're stronger, but he still has some tricks up his sleeves. Don't let your guard down..."

Kara sniffled and woke up Becca, causing Becca to slowly open her eyes.
"Huh...? What happened?" Becca questioned as she sat up before seeing Roman, her eyes widening.
"Holy hell!" She tried to reach for her gun, but quickly realized they had taken her gun from her while she was unconscious.
Kara tried to comfort Becca a bit, but it was clear Becca was both enraged and terrified
"Where's my sister!? What did you do to her!?" Becca shouted at Roman.
"Alright, let's go," Vince spoke as they walked over to a section of the woods that kept them hidden from plain sight.
"I'll try my best. We'll get Kara and Becca back," Bill assured Shel before he approached the entrance, holding his assault rifle firmly.
"Stay calm Becca, we're getting your sister and then we are leaving," Roman spoke as gazed down at her.
Becca narrowed her eyes, quickly shuffling in front of Kara protectively just in case to keep her out of the line of fire.
"Why do you even want us so bad!? We didn't take any supplies! We just left in our rv! Just leave us alone! And why even involve Kara!? That's not fair to her! She's not even eight years old yet!"
Kara looked between the two of them in concern, hoping her father would come soon to save them from the strange man before them.
"You two destroyed our wall and when the walkers came through, we lost everybody, and now you two are next. That kid is our ticket to getting Shel," Roman replied before gunshots were heard.
"ROMAN! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!" Bill shouted from outside their base.
Becca was about to reply angrily, but the moment she heard Bill, she froze, blinking in surprise.
Kara's eyes lit up at her fathers voice, knowing that this time, he was angry for her sake.
"Daddy!" She exclaimed happily, bouncing a bit.
Becca quickly pulled Kara back behind her protectively to keep Roman from her, shaking a bit.
"You wouldn't have let us go, you didn't give us a choice. Do you really want to die just to prove a damn point?"
"I know that Bill would do anything for his precious baby girl," He replied, picking her up and putting a gun to her head as he walked out.
"I suggest you back up Bill! Give me Shel, or your daughter dies!!" Roman yelled, looking to him in anger and determination.
Kara whimpered, squirming in Roman's arms.
"D-Daddy!" She cried, trying to get out of Roman's arms to get to her father.
Becca tried to help her, but was quickly hit by one of Romans men, causing her to fall back to the ground in pain.
"You put her down God damn it!!" He exclaimed, looking at Roman with nothing but fury in his eyes.
"You give me Shel and I give her to you," Roman bargained, keeping his gaze locked on him.
Bill sighed, taking a breath before yelling, "Shel, come out!"
As Kara cried, Shel came out of hiding, having a gun hidden in the back of her pants as she kept her arms up.
"Roman, I'm here. Let her and Becca go, they have nothing to do with this. I was the one who drove the RV through the wall, Becca was not an accomplice. You and I both know she's just a let them go."
Kara looked up at Shel through tears, worried for her safety.
"Shel no!" Becca exclaimed, but Shel kept her gaze on Roman.
"Shel, come on," Bill said, taking her hand and walking her up to Roman.
"Good, glad you could see it our way," Roman spoke before pushing Kara to Bill.
Unfortunately for him, Bill quickly opened fire, shooting Roman directly in the head.
"No one messes with my family!"
Kara quickly hugged her father, sobbing as she clung to him tightly.
"I missed you daddy!"
Shel saw one of the men about to use Becca as a hostage and quickly shot him, grabbing Becca and pulling her behind her as they began to open fire on the men.
"Vince, Russell, Vannessa! Get out here! We need the extra firepower!" He exclaimed, looking to the men coming at him as he shot most of them down.
"You can't take them down on your own!" Russell exclaimed, but Vanessa nodded, gripping her gun, about to move before one of the men running shoved her.
"H—" Vanessa stopped and screamed in pain before shooting a walker's head, keeping her hand firmly over her shoulder.
"Mommy???" Kara questioned in worry as the walkers started coming.
"I'm fine honey! Stay by your father!" She replied, shooting more walkers as she followed Vince.
He started to try and shoot everyone one of them down, looking over to Vanessa and thought she was just injured, trying his best to keep all of them off his team.
"Vannesa! Are you alright!? I'm coming over to you!" He exclaimed, grabbing Kara and beginning to run towards her.
"I'm fine! Focus on getting to the truck with Kara! I'll be right behind you!" She replied, keeping walkers away from them with her gun.
Shel found an opening and took Becca into the backseats of the truck quickly, making her duck onto the truck floor as they waited for the others.
Russell made it to the truck and continued to shoot both the men and the walkers.
"Hurry it up guys!"
He tried to get everyone in and went after Vanessa.
"Come on! Let's go!" He exclaimed once more, looking to her as he shot the remaining walkers away from them.
After Vanessa hopped into the truck with Bill she buckled up and refused to take her hand off her shoulder, watching him begin to drive before looking towards the backseat.
"Did they hurt you at all Kara?" She questioned in concern, to which Kara quickly shook her head side to side.
"I'm sorry mommy, I should've shot them, but it's a lot harder to shoot people than the monsters," The young girl sniffled, causing her mother to smile.
"That's perfectly normal, in fact, I'd be more concerned if you were able to do it just as easily. You'll get the hang of it someday sweetie," She replied with a smile before looking to Bill.
"Are you hurt at all...?"
"No, I'm more worried about you hun, let me see," He spoke, looking to her as he went to take her hand off her shoulder.
Vanessa quickly pulled back, holding onto her shoulder a bit tighter as she looked back at the road.
"I'm fine, we'll deal with it when we're back at Howes," She replied blankly, not wanting to freak out the kids.
He sighed as they drove back to Howes keeping his gaze focused on the path ahead so they wouldn't get lost.
When they were pulling up, the group was fixing the doors, and they were actually able to open and close.
After they entered Howes, Vanessa began to walk away, looking past the group as she walked.
Tavia's eyes widened upon seeing the blood on her shoulder, growing concerned.
"V, what happened?" She questioned, about to move her hand until Vanessa quickly backed away.
"I'm fine."
"Oh come on now don't be ridiculous," Bonnie said before quickly moving her hand and gasping in horror.
Vanessa was about to cover it back up until she heard her daughter gasp as well, slowly turning around to see Kara tearing up.
"M-...M-Mommy...?" Kara began, at a loss for words as she realized what she was looking at, almost hoping for her mother to deny it.
"What?" He asked, looking to them before looking at the injury before a wave of disbelief hit him.
"No no no no, this isn't happening," He spoke in horror, looking closer at the bite mark on his wife's shoulder.
Vanessa looked at Kara and Bill through sad eyes, taking a deep breath.
"...I'm sorry, it is happening."

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