Chapter 19- I'll Stay With You

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The crew celebrated as they headed back to the spaceport, everyone was glowing with joy. Delbert was attending to the Captain and Anthony since they both obtained injuries during the adventure, Silver was driving the ship and Y/n and Jim were peering over the rail.

Jim looked over at Y/n who was leaning on the railing, she had the journal out and was jotting down notes of their prior experiences. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours that she wanted to record. He couldn't help but just stare at Y/n. She was also still wearing his jacket, it looked nice on her.

Y/n looked up from her messy hair to see Jim glimpsing at her. Y/n smiled at him but soon her smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" Jim whispered as he approached Y/n, "We're home."

"What's going to happen when we get back?" Y/n asked disturbed. "I mean we hardly ever looked at each other." Jim didn't want things to go back to the way things were, where he and Y/n barely spoke. When he was always mad and fought with his mother. When he got in trouble with the law. Jim wanted to be with Y/n. He loved her and she needed to know.

"Y/n," Jim struggled to say, he rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to find the right words. " being with you is different, like, I know who I am when I'm around you." Y/n gave Jim a confused face, she was wondering where he was going with this. "What I'm trying to say is..." Jim could feel his face growing hot. He could get in trouble with the law, fly his solar surfer into a fiery pit, he even could face Mr. Scoop in a daring sword fight. But no matter how hard he tried to find the words he couldn't tell Y/n how much he liked her.

'Do it now!' he said to himself in fear, 'just say it!'

Jim looked at Y/n who waited patiently for him to finish his troubled thoughts. "What I'm trying to say is," Jim said as he nervously took Y/n's hands into his own. "I don't want this to end, I don't want us to end. I love you Y/n." There it was Jim had finally said it, he waited patiently for Y/n's response.

She glowed at Jim's confession. Y/n placed her journal back into her bag as she turned to face the dish boy who she was completely in love with. She then placed her hands on his chest and leaned in slowly while closing her eyes for a kiss. Jim smiled as he placed his hands on her back and pulled her into a soft kiss. They pulled apart with a soft glow. "Everything's gonna change now," Jim whispered as he deeply looked into Y/n's eyes.

"Yes it will," Y/n whispered back, "but this time for the better!"

While departing the ship Anthony had his arm around Jim's shoulder for support. "I haven't seen this many people in years," he said wide-eyed, "even though I'm not much for a crowd I've missed seeing faces."

Y/n smirked as she saw her father's beaming eyes, "welcome home," she said softly.

Anthony smiled at Y/n as he looked back at his only daughter, "My home is wherever you are my little Comet." He said softly.

Jim helped the older man walk into the crowd. "We need to get you guys to a doctor," Jim insisted as he looked back at Amelia and Anthony.

"Already on it Jim," Delbert said as he helped Amelia out of the ship, "I'll ring up the best Doctor Montressor has to offer," Delbert said with pride.

"I thought you were the best Doctor Montressor had to offer," Jim heckled Delbert while winking at Y/n.

Y/n chuckled as she rolled her eyes. Even when he wasn't trying to be, Jim was ever so charming. "Don't worry Delbert," Y/n said as she placed her hand on his back, "We'll be home-" It had just occurred to Y/n that her house had burnt down only months before the expedition. It wasn't just an Inn it was where she grew up, where her mother took refuge on that fateful stormy night.

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