Chapter 12- Silver's lies

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       Y/n had spent the entire night in the company of a tempting delinquent, it was now morning when Y/n slipped into the Captain's quarters. She snuck in as peacefully as she could, taking off her brown boots and brushed out her knotted hair. Y/n was fortunate enough to have a room to herself, Captain Amiela had her room way at the back along with a spare room to the side. Although it was extremely small Y/n appreciated it, there was a small bed and a vanity table with a mirror, and there was barely any room to walk around. She sat at the edge of her bed as she stared at herself in the mirror. Y/n looked like a whole different person, she looked over at Jim's jacket that rested on the doorknob in her room.

Just then there was a knock at the door, snapping out of her thoughts, Y/n hopped to the door to answer it.

"Y/n, I see you have slept well," The Captain proclaimed after seeing Y/n's dressed for the day, little did she know she had been out all night with Jim. "I drew you a bath, it will do you some good," She said looking down at the young girl. Y/n tried to discreetly smell herself as she hid behind the door. "Have a quick wash up and get to work, I will inspect the voyage journal when you are finished." Y/n stomach dropped at the thought of the journal.

"Of course, ma'am," Y/n nodded as her mind raced through her noted pages. With that, the Captain left.

Y/n walked into the Captain's quarters and saw the hot bath steaming, she set her dress in a pale of warm water to clean her dress. She then slipped into the inviting water, washing her beautiful hair and she then began to soak. Y/n then looked down at her necklace she began tracing her fingers along with the designs of the locket. Once she was all cleaned up she dried off her hair and then threw on a soft pink robe.

Y/n then heard a knock at the door. Adjusting her robe she slowly opened the door to see a Jim pink in the face and completely out of breath.

"Jim? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked concerned and slightly embarrassed. She was beyond happy to see him, and by the looks of it, he was glad to see her too.

"Eh... hi," Jim froze as soon he realized he caught her at a bad time. He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked back at Y/n. Even then Jim thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever met. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to catch you- um... like this," Jim said embarrassingly as he avoided Y/n's eyes. "I... I just-" he paused for a moment.

"You just what?" Y/n said shyly as she tried to hide behind the door within the Captain's quarters.

"Never mind it's stupid," Jim said as he slightly buried his face in his hand.

"Jim?" Y/n whispered as she looked at the apologetic boy.

"I... wanted to see you again," Jim said looking back at Y/n. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

'He's so cute,' Y/n gushed to herself. She couldn't help but giggle. Jim looked up at her surprised as his face grew even redder with embarrassment.

"What?" He asked nervously.

"You certainly have excellent timing Hawkins," Y/n announced, Jim gave out a nervous chuckle as he finally looked into Y/n's eyes. "You're also cute," Y/n shyly said.

This made Jim feel a lot better about the situation. "Ya, you think so?" He asked with a grin.

"Ya...I'm glad you came up," Y/n said honestly. "But you better go- if the Captain finds you she'll make you scrub the decks with a toothbrush," Y/n said as she slightly pushed Jim's chest back.

Jim chuckled as he got closer to Y/n's face, "I'll see you later then," he said in a low tone.

"Wouldn't miss it," Y/n said with a giggle. "Now go," she said as she once again pushed his chest back.


Once Y/n's dress was clean and dried she began to lace it up. It was a white dress with pink flowers all around it and it tied off in the back. Y/n sat at Ameila's desk reviewing her journal for the Captain's approval, when all of a sudden a miserable face opened the door to the study.

"Evening Miss Y/n," Sliver said as he took off his hat and approached Y/n who had gotten up from the desk.

"Silver?" Y/n exclaimed as she approached the man, "Is everything alright?" Y/n asked concerned

"I'm afraid not my darlin' I'm sorry for what you're about to hear," Sliver acted.

Y/n felt sick to her stomach after Sliver had said that. "What is it?" she nervously asked as she grabbed onto her necklace. "Is there trouble at home?"

"Oh no, no darlin' nothing like dat your mother is safe I can assure you," Sliver said with a little chuckle. "I overheard somethin'... somethin' awful." Y/n was now filled with nerves. What happened? Was the captain displeased with her work? Were they going to be thrown off the ship?

Silver took a breath before he spoke his lies, leaving Y/n uneasy. "Jim and that Doctor of yours are plotting to steal all da treasure once we get to Flint's Trove," Mr. Silver lied.

Y/n shook his head slightly. "What? No- Jim and Delbert would never do that," she said calmly. "I'm sure you miss understood-"

"I heard da whole conversation," Silver continued to fib. "Your mother and father knew Jim's mother and father, right?"

"Well ya," Y/n said trying to piece the puzzle together in her mind.

"Ye haven't seen your pop in a while... dat's what Jim said. He told that Doctor dat the necklace that you wear was given to you by your pop," Silver explained.

Y/n grabbed the locket her father had given her it had intricate designs and on the inside, it was inscribed; 'Comet.' "What of it?" She asked still holding onto the necklace.

Sliver paused for a moment. "Y/n dat locket is the missing piece of the puzzle to the map- and Jim has been trying to get a hold of it ever since he found out! that's why he's been spending so much time with you darlin'... to win over your necklace," Sliver then placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, "I'm sorry there lass."

Silver saw the gears turning in Y/n's mind and gave a grimacing smile. "I'll let you tink about this in privacy Miss," he said as he slightly bowed and closed the door. Y/n was silent for a long time, she paused for a moment as she gathered up all the information.

'That's why Jim has been so close to me... it's not because he liked me but because he needed my necklace... this was all part of his plan- he used me?!' Y/n thought to herself as her breath quickened. 'How could he?! I thought he... I thought we-'

Y/n held herself as she leaned up against the was then slumped down and began to cry, she felt betrayed by the boy she had loved.

It would only make sense, Jim started being nice to Y/n once they boarded the ship. He always wanted to be near her and close to her. Y/n didn't care how her necklace was involved with the map, at that moment she felt betrayed by both of them.


Jim scrubbed a nearby pot that was bigger than a bathtub, he hated dish duty even back at the Inn. But not even a mile long of dishes could break his spirits. For once in his life Jim had truly felt like he belonged, with the crew, with the ship and above all that, with Y/n. The girl he had liked for years.

"Ah Jimbo," he heard his robotic friend call out from the kitchen, "dares somethin' I need to tell ya."

Jim took off his apron as he entered the kitchen only to find Silver looking distraught. "Sliver?" Jim asked as he slowly approached the man who was twice his size, "what's wrong?"

"Lad," Silver said dramatically. "Dares somethin' Y/n has been hidin' from ya," he fibbed as he fixated his eye on Jim.

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