Chapter 5- The Arrangememt

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       There they all were huddled around a warm fire wrapped in cozy blankets. It had only been a few hours ago when Sarah was working in her successful Inn and it was only a few moments after that she saw her home burning down. Sarah explains to Delbert everything that happened, how their home was invaded by pirates and how it was burnt to the ground.

"I'm- at a loss for words, I'm so sorry," Delbert said remorsefully. "My home is open for you four," He said honestly, "it's big enough."

"Thank you," Isla said with a soft smile.

Y/n stood up and walked over to the window leaving the adults to discuss arrangements. "Hey," she heard a voice approaching her.

"Hi," Y/n whispered as she wrapped her shoulders with the blanket that Delbert had given her. "Um thank you, for helping me get this," Y/n said as she fiddled with her necklace.

"Eh ya- no problem," Jim said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's the least I could do," he said looking back at her. Y/n gave him a soft smile which soon turned into a frown as she once again looked out the window while the blanket on her left shoulder began to fall down her arm.

"Listen," Jim said as he looked at her arm, just then without thinking he stretched out his hand and covered Y/n's shoulder with the blanket that was wrapped loosely around her body. Y/n looked up at him slightly confused with her cheeks turning pink. "Eh-" he said nervously as his cheeks also turned pink, "I-I eh I just wanted to say sorry-"

"Sorry to interrupt," Delbert said as he looked at the two. "Your mother said you were given something Jim, may we see it?" He asked as he looked at the troubled boy. Jim and Y/n shared a glance as he pulled out the object that was in his pocket. "Look at those intricate designs!" Delbert announced as he looked at Jim who was holding the sphere. Jim aimlessly began to fiddle with the sphere, poking at its buttons and twisting it as Delbert went on to say how complex the sphere was and how it would take years to understand what its purpose was. Just then Jim unlocked the sphere and a bright green light escaped and surrounded the room.

"Jim?!" Sarah said anxiously.

"What is this?" Isla panicked as she got close to Y/n, wanting to protect her only daughter.

"It looks like a map?" Delbert said as he once again threw on his glasses. "Look this is us! The planet Montressor," He touched the location of the planet when all of a sudden it enhanced and began to zoom past their solar system. Isla, Sarah and Y/n walked over to the scene.

"It's beautiful," Y/n muttered as she looked around the room, just then something caught her eye. "Jim," she said as she made her way to the boy who had just saved her life, "that can't be it- can it?"

Jim turned and looked back at Y/n to see what she was looking at, he immediately understood what she had meant, "it is," he said under his breath.

"NO," Delbert gasped.

"THAT'S TREASURE PLANET!" Jim said not taking his eyes off the holographic map.

"Do you know what this means?" Delbert said as he tried to compose himself.

"That means that all that treasure is just a boat ride away," Jim said as he lightly tossed the sphere into the air.

"Whoever brings it back would hold an enteral place on top of the pantheon of explorers," Delbert said dramatically. "He'd be able to experience-" Just then Jim closed the sphere and the room was once again illuminated by the fireplace. "Woo, what just happened?" Delbert asked looking around the room.

"Guys this is it, the answer to all our problems," Jim said as he approached the ladies.

"Jim there is no way-"

"Sarah, he has a point," Y/n stepped in. "You remember all those stories!"

"That's all they were," Isla said tiredly, "stories."

"With that treasure, we could build the Benbow Inn a hundred times over!" Jim said as he ran his fingers in his hair.

"This is ridiculous!" Sarah said as she looked at Jim and Y/n. "Delbert explain to these two how ridiculous this is," Sarah said looking back at him.

"It's absolutely preposterous to travel the entire galaxy alone," he announced while fixing his glasses.

"Thank you," Isla spoke out, Y/n's face was full of disbelief while Jim rolled his eyes.

"Now, at last, we have some sense," Sarah said with a smirk.

"That's why I'm going with you," Delbert said as he grabbed a nearby bag.

"DELBERT!" Sarah and Isla shouted.

He scrambled around his home and gathered some things he would need for the journey. "I'll use my savings to finance the exposition, I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew-"

"You're not serious?" Sarah asked as she looked at him while raising her eyebrows.

"All my life I've been waiting for an opportunity like this and here it is screaming; GO DELBERT, GO DELBERT GO-"


Everyone went silent Y/n's jaw slightly dropped. Isla rubbed her tired eyes, "I can't lose you too Y/n... I just can't."

"What happened to him?" Y/n asked as calmly as she ever could. "Please- tell me," she begged. Sarah looked over at Isla empathically. "Mommy...please tell me," Y/n said as she held onto her necklace.

"Your father's profession wasn't as loyal to him as he was to it," Isla said as she walked over to her daughter. "He worked for months on end when we had you he wanted to leave but, with being in his position... Your father lived a life of thievery ever since he was young and unfortunately, that's-" Isla needed a moment to compose herself. "That's what took him away from us," she said with a shaky breath.

"Mom," Y/n said as she took her mother's hand, "maybe we can just-"

"You guys aren't going," Sarah jumped in.

"I was just-" Y/n said looking back.

"No one is leaving!" Sarah insisted.

"Mom," Jim said as he walked up next to Y/n's side. "I know that I keep messing up, and I know I've let you both down, but this is my chance to make it up to you- I'm going to set things right," Jim said heartfelt. Y/n heart slightly broke to hear that.

"Y/n," Delbert said as he looked over at her. "I think it would be best if you stayed with your mother and Sarah, it could be-"

"I can't be here," Y/n insisted, "the wait would kill me, I think we-"

"Yes well, it might be dangerous you can stay here and help yourselves to anything, Jim and I will be back soon," Delbert said looking out for Y/n's best interest.

"Delbert, don't do this to me, I need to go- please," Y/n begged. A part of Y/n wanted to feel like her father and not like herself. She had always followed the rules, always done her chores and still felt like there was some she wasn't doing right. Maybe this could be something

Just then Jim stepped in, "I'm not going if she isn't." That was it, the first time he's ever stood up for what he really wanted. "I'll keep her safe Isla I swear," he promised, "I can't do this alone... I need her."

Y/n repeated the sentence in her mind over and over. He then looked over at her and their eyes met.

It was settled, Jim, Delbert and Y/n would be going on the expedition. Delbert had plenty of room to spare for the four to spend the night. Y/n caught Jim walking to his room, "Hey Jim," she said spontaneously.

Jim's eyes widened as he looked back. "Ya?"

"Thank you- for every today," she said as she held herself. Jim gave her a soft smirk, Y/n didn't wait for his response she turned in her healds and went to her room. Jim wanted to say something he felt it pressing on his chest but she had already left.

"You're welcome."

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