Chapter 15- Trust Me

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       "Show me to your ship," the voice said as he pressed his blaster on Jim's back.

Jim had to make a quick decision. 'If I reach for the gun he might shoot Y/n, but if I show him to the ship he could kill us all.'

Just then Y/n courageously tucked and rolled for the blaster, she aimed it at the intruder's chin while on her knees. This caught Jim completely by surprise. The man's face was covered with a black bandana and goggles.

Jim abruptly turned around and body-checked the man onto the floor with his shoulder, "Y/n run- get out of here!"

The man was turned over to the girl who was ready to kill him. Just then he dropped his weapon and surrendered with his hands up.

Jim's forceful face turned into a confused one, he looked over to see Y/n's expression to have changed as well.

"Isla?" The man asked as he looked over at Y/n, "It can't be you..."

Y/n felt as though ice had entered her lungs. "No," she whispered understandingly. Her eyes began to water, for years she had waited for the man and now she was the one holding a blaster to his face, "Dad?" She asked hopingly.

The man removed his goggles and bandana to reveal an older gentleman with a tired old face. He had silver hair that matched his beard, his eyes were exactly like his daughter's. "Y/'s you?" he whispered.

"DAD!" Y/n said as she dropped the blasted and dropped next to her father, Anthony.

Jim's eyes also widened as he moved away from the man, "no way." Jim stared as Y/n embraced the man. Jim looked over to see Morph's jaw hitting the floor with giant eyes, he too was shocked.

"How did you get here? Could you not come back to us?" Y/n cried to her father. "I waited for you for so long-"

Just then sounds of ships circled overhead. "It's them," Jim stated, "it's Silver!"

"Let's talk about this back at the hut," the older man said as he began to stand. "It's going to get dark soon, gather up your belongings and follow me."

"There are others that came with us," Jim pointed out, " we'll go back for them and meet you at the hut."

"The hut is up this hill meet me there- go back for your crew," Anthony said as he picked up his blaster. "It isn't safe here anymore."

Y/n looked back at her father, not wanting to leave him ever again. "I'll be back," she whispered as she ran up to him.

"I'll be waiting," he said as he hugged her back. He couldn't believe it, it felt unreal for all of them.

Y/n, Morph and Jim ran as fast as they could back to the others. "What if," Jim said as he ran alongside Y/n, " what if he's a spy?"

"What?!" Y/n gasped as she slowed down her pace.

"Think about it," Jim said as he huffed, "this could be a trick! I mean how do we even know he's-"

"I just know Jim!" Y/n stated as she turned over to him, "Wouldn't you know?"

They stood in silence for a moment looking at each other trying their best to catch their breath. Y/n rested her hand on his solid chest. "You're gonna have to trust me on this," she whispered.

"I just don't want any danger," Jim said as he tenderly grabbed her hand.

Y/n smiled as he held her hand, "don't worry I'll protect you," she joked.


Once they met up with Delbert and the (injured) Captain they explained everything, that they had found Y/n's father and how he had a place where they could rest. Not having any other options they grabbed their blasters and headed off to meet the man that claimed to be Y/n't father.

Y/n went back for her bag along with the Journal and Jim's jacket. Jim smiled to himself as he watched Y/n put on his jacket that was too big for her.

"Hello?" Y/n called out as they entered the hideout, "Anyone in here?"

Just then a copper robot popped out of the shadows, "intruders! Anthony help," the robot panicked, "they're gonna sell me for parts!"

"No, they won't!" Y/n's dad said as he jumped into action and calmed the robot down. Anthony turned around to see his daughter alongside a boy with a blaster ready to take shot at any danger that may come to her.

"Anthony?!" Delbert said ecstatically as he hugged his old friend, Y/n smiled at the sight. "How have you survived after all these years?" Delbert felt the need to ask.

"It hasn't been easy but you know me Delb," the man said as he playfully punched Delbert (a little too hard) in the chest.

"Born to survive," Delbert said coughing, "but fear not," he said regaining his strength. "Because we are getting you out of here!"

"Psst, Anthony," the Robot felt the need to whisper, "the dog is talking."

"Sorry folks," the man spoke as he tried his best to rewire the Robot. "This is Ben, my Bio-Electronic-Navigator," he said with a chuckle. "He has been my only companion for a decade."

"Oh," Delbert said with a displeased face.

"Ah he's not so bad once you get to know him," Anthony said as he finished rewiring the robot.

"Ah, this must be Y/n," Ben said as he clasped his hands together, "oh I knew this story would have a happy ending." Y/n smiled at the green-eyed robot, "You're all Anthony could ever talk about!" Y/n smiled at the thought. "Oh and that must be your boyfriend," this made Y/n and Jim's faces turn bright pink.

"It's Jim, actually," Jim said as he put his blaster away in the lining of his pants.

"Aw Jimmy and Y/n," Ben said making them timid, "the lovely couple-"

"I hate to break this up," The Captain said still clasping onto her side while Y/n helped her stand, "but can we speed things along to the part where we get out of here."

"Right," Anthony said getting back on track, the group concocted a plan. Since Jim still had the map safe and sound they had one less thing to worry about however they would need a Y/n's necklace if they wanted to go anywhere. They knew that Silver had set up camp only a couple of miles away. The plan was; to sneak into their camping grounds and rob them blind.

"I dunno- what if we get caught? We're outnumbered," Delbert asked as she sat next to Y/n's father.

"They can threaten us all they want," Jim stated, "but I'm the only one who knows how to open this map."

"Y/n," Anthony said holding his daughter's shoulder, "I need you here to, take care of the Captain. Delbert will be our lookout, ready with a blaster."

"OH!" Ben jumped up and raised his hand, "what should I do?!"

"Eh," Anthony said as he forgot about his robot friend, "you can guard Y/n and the Captain," he said playing along.

"Seems reasonable," the robot said satisfied with his answer, "also may I have a blaster-"

"NO!" They all shouted back in fright.

Everyone agreed with the plan, Y/n hugged her father in hopes that he would come back to her safe and sound.

Before they left Y/n pulled Jim aside, "hey," she said quietly.

"Hi," Jim said back as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Y/n listen," Jim started. It was a weight on his chest that needed to be lifted, " I'm sorry, about everything-"

"Jim," Y/n said trying to cut him off.

"No I have to say this," he declared. "I don't want to hurt anyone and believe me when I say you're the last person who'd I'd ever want to hurt-"

"Jim," Y/n said trying to stop him once again, "it's okay," she then placed a small kiss on his cheek when no one was looking. "Just," Y/n said breaking the silent moment that was just shared by the two, "be safe."

He smiled as he fixed the collar of his jacket that Y/n was wearing, "I will," Jim whispered back to her. "Hey Morph," Jim said as he smiled at the creature that rested on Y/n's shoulder, "keep her safe for me."

Anthony smiled at the sight of Jim and his daughter, pretending that he didn't just overhear their conversation. "Alright," he announced, "let's head off."

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