Chapter 1- Who Knows

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       There was a terrible storm the night that Y/n and her mother arrived at the Benbow Inn. She was only 5 at the time but could remember the night as if it were yesterday. They came with nothing but a piece of small luggage with some clothes. By the time they got to the Inn it was, 12:47 am Mrs. Hawkin had already locked her doors for the night.

"Sarah?!" the woman cried out in the cold rain. "Please open the door!" The rain was now coming down harder than before a shot of lightning illuminated the Benbow Inn, Y/n jumped at the sound. "Please Sarah, Please!" Just then the sound of a door began to unlock.

"Isla?!" Sarah's eyes widened at the sight of her old friend. "Get in here!"

"Mom! What's wrong?" An anxious voice called out from the top of the staircase.

"Nothing Jimmy, go back to bed- everything's alright!" Sarah called out as she grabbed her friend's daughter who was exhausted from the harsh weather.

"What happened- are you alright?!" Sarah asked as she looked down at the little girl she was carrying.

"We've been running all night," the woman explained through tears, "Sarah something awful has happened I-I need a room."

"Oh, you poor thing!" Sarah said still holding onto Y/n. "Down the hall, second room to your right there's an empty room for you two," Sarah said as she ran behind the countertop and gave Isla a key.

"Thank you so much- I'll be back to talk to you in two minutes just let me put Y/n to bed," then took Y/n into her arms again. Her poor baby girl, they walked to their new room. Jim sat on the top of the staircase eavesdropping, making sure he was out of sight from his mother. Once he heard the sounds of the woman's footsteps he scurried into his room and closed the door ever so slightly, just enough to see what was going on. Isla opened up her suitcase and dressed her daughter in a shirt that was two sizes too big for her and put her to bed.

"Sweet dreams my beauty," Isla said as she planted a kiss on her daughter's cold head.

"Mommy please don't go!" The little girl pleaded, she was shaken up by the early events.

"Mommy will be back soon, she just has to talk to her friend, okay?" Isla said as she kissed Y/n's forehead once again, she then stood up and closed the door behind her.

Isla then walked downstairs to find Sarah making two hot drinks in the kitchen. "Isla what happened?" Sarah asked calmly as she handed her friend a drink.

"Someone burned down our house... Anthony... he-" Isla broke out in a stream of tears, Sarah embraced her.

"It's okay you guys are safe here," Sarah said as she was still holding onto her dear friend, "tell me everything."


Y/n anxiously laid down in a bed that wasn't her own. The only source of light was coming from the lightning outside. She had always been afraid of lightning but tonight's especially scared her. Y/n eyes began to water at the sound of the loud banging, she kept her hands to her side and calculated each strike of lightning. Y/n wished that her mother would walk right through the doors and crawl into bed with her as they did back at her house. She would wrap her arms around Y/n and somehow she'd know that everything would be alright. Y/n gripped onto her a long necklace that dangled from her neck. It was a locket her father had sent her while he was away at work. It was a golden locket with star constellations and on the inside, it was inscribed; 'Comet.'

"Oh papa," she cried to herself. Just then the door creaked open.

Y/n sprung her head up in the hope that she would see her mother but instead saw a little boy holding a book that looked as big as he was.

"Hello," the boy whispered as he entered the room. Y/n didn't say anything she just stared at the boy nervously. "Are you okay?" Jim asked still standing at the door

"Where's my mommy?" Y/n asked through tears.

"It's okay," Jim said as he walked over to Y/n's bedside. "My mom's with her, they're talking," Jim said with a smile. "My mom is smart, she'll know what to do." Before Y/n could say anything a loud crash of lightning scared her, she quickly covered her ears at the sound of the large bang.


"It's okay- it's okay!" Jim said as he raced to the window and covered the blinds, he then slowly crawled onto Y/n's bed. It was quite difficult being that the bed was higher than he was and that he was carrying a book in his hands, little Y/n took it upon herself to help him up.

"Thanks," Jim said as grabbed his book in the dark. He then slowly opened the pages to reveal that self-illuminating book.

"Wow," finally said as she looked at the bright and brilliant pages.

"That's Treasure Planet," Jim said as he proudly looked down at the pages, Y/n smiled at the sight of it.


Isla composed herself before she explained her situation. "Anthony hasn't been back in months, I begged him to take some time off but he didn't want to. He kept working and working," tears once again began to stream down Isla's face. "We got a threat a week after he left- saying Anthony was owing money, but that wasn't true-" Isla couldn't say any more her words were soon cut off by her sobs.

Sarah placed her hand on her friend's back for comfort. "They came to the house and took everything! They turned the house upside down looking for anything valuable, they burned my house to the ground, Sarah," Isla cried. Sarah then embraced her friend. "I still don't know where he is."

"You can stay here for as long as you need," Sarah said still holding onto her friend. "You and your baby girl."

"Thank you, Sarah," Isla said composing herself. Sarah walked Isla to her room only to find Jim and Y/n fast asleep in her bed. Both mothers gave out a slight chuckle.

"Remember how excited we were for being pregnant at the same time?" Isla asked as she looked down at the two infants lightly snoring. "You were already three weeks ahead of when I found out."

"Ya," Sarah whispered back "I remember, she was so small," Sarah said as she looked at Y/n. I was so happy for you and Anthony, she looks like him," Sarah said as she placed her hand on Isla's shoulder. Gentle tears streaked down Isla's face.

"Remember how we said they'd get married once they got older?" Isla laughed as she whipped away her hot tears.

"Hey, who knows? There's still plenty of time," she chuckled as she carefully grabbed Jim. "Get some rest Isla... I'll see you tomorrow," Sarah said as she cradled her baby boy in her arms.

"Who knows?"

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