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Quick note, this chapter is graphic and contains scenes of attempted suicide. If you feel uncomfortable you are more than welcome to skip the chapter.

It has been a year since I got here which means it has been almost 18 months since Alby arrived. He is practically classed as a senior citizen here as he is also the oldest out of all of us. 1 year means 12 new arrivals, two of whom are my long lost brothers; Ben and Gally. These two dumb shanks are also runners but thankfully, Minho trained them. If I had have done it, they make have gotten 'lost' within the secrets of the maze. 

We have also welcomed several new cooks and two 'med-jacks'. Basically our doctors, thankfully because I couldn't be in several places at once. 

Today I am running with Minho as I'm not feeling too flash but, I push on to find a way out of this place except everyday, I lose just a little more hope. I look to Minho as we run into his assigned section for today; section 2 and look over to section 3 which is also open.

"I'm just gonna go into my section for a bit. Just in case anything has changed!" I notify and Minho nods.

"OK! Don't faint on me!" He replies I just laugh while also giving him the finger then part ways while running into the section next door. As I'm running I hear a thud on the ground following by groaning. I remember assigning Newt to this section to cover me and I sprint to where the sound came from. 

As I get closer, I hear moans of pain and I pray to God that it isn't Newt or Minho hurt but the closer I got, the more I could hear a distinct accent in the noises. My heart sinks. 

"Newt!" I shout and then I round the corner. The scene that is before me sends me into shock, fear and sadness. Newt lies before me, his head bleeding badly, his leg is at an unnatural angle and his is swollen, probably broken.

"Minho!" I scream and I hear his echoes and his rapid footsteps. The noise of his shoes slapping the concrete to make it to me as fast as possible. I felt guilty for calling him to such an ugly scene but I needed his help so I could go get help. The situation would be break every single rule in the book but it was a necessary evil. 

"Newt. Hey, I'm here. It's going to be OK. Damn it Newt, why did you do this? Come on man, wake up." I plead, tears threatening to spill over my eyes. I wipe them away just as Minho reaches the scene before us. I look up at him and the colour drains from his face. Devastation crosses his face. 

"He's still alive but barely. I was going to head back to the glade, get some help. Are you OK here?" I ask him. I knew he wouldn't be but I couldn't be here any longer. I look at the time on my watch; 1:35pm. I still had five hours until sundown, I just hope it's long enough. 

"Do you know what happened?" He asks me and I look at him knowingly.

"I think he just tried to kill himself." I respond before running for the glade as fast as my feet could carry me. I reach the glade in what feels like eternity and Alby rushes over, knowing something was clearly wrong. 

"Katie. Why are you back so early? What happened?" He bombards me with questions. I lean over trying to catch my breath. Crying and sprinting do not leave much room for breath. 

"It's Newt." Is all I can get out before I burst back into tears. Alby's face drops; similar to mine and Minho's before he calls Jeff, our head medjack and Frypan, our chef to assist. He knew this called for an all hands on deck situation. Since he's our fearless leader, he could bend the rules as long as the situation called for it. 

"His arm and leg are broken and his head has a massive gash. His pulse it weak. We need to hurry!" I inform before taking off into the maze with the extra help following close behind. 

As we reach where I left Newt and Minho, I slow down to a jog and allow Alby to pass me to allow him to see the situation before us. Jeff follows close behind, not exactly to see what he did. Everyone stops dead and knows that they may be here to assist in carrying a lifeless Newt to the graveyard. But instead of giving up a fight, we get to work as quick as possible. As Jeff and Alby work to keep him alive, I give regular updates by checking his pulse regularly. Minho and Frypan keep the other runners from seeing the sight before us. We had literally turned the maze into a makeshift hospital. My heart skips a beat as I check Newt's pulse again; it wasn't there.

I notify Alby of Newt's lack of life and we begin CPR. We begin chest compression's, trying to get his heart to start. Wishing and praying to witness the rise and fall of his chest. I see some sign of life in my best friend. A person I had known since I arrived at WCKD when I was 10 years old. 

After what felt like an eternity but was probably a couple minutes we hear a sharp intake of breath from Newt, see his chest rising and falling with his lungs and feel his pulse. He was back. Not wasting any time, we place him on a makeshift stretcher and get him back to the glade as quick as possible. There was more motivation as the doors would be closing soon.  As soon as we arrive at the glade we rush him to the homestead where Clint and Jeff keep Newt alive as best they can. They're not qualified doctors but they manage to keep us alive. 

It was then that I made my way to my room and collapsed onto my bed. The events of the day catching up to me, I fall asleep while hoping I don't dream of today. 

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